19 Polaroid Camera

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June 19th, 1996,

Dear Diary, I got a letter from Theo asking if he could come over, it seemed rushed and my gut was telling me something was wrong. I was about to respond when my doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and it was Theo.

I audibly gasped when I was him, he was caved in on one side and he was clutching his arm firmly to his chest. His left eye was swollen shut and his clothes were covered in blood.

I just stood there dumbfounded in the doorway

"I'm sorry, I didn't have anywhere else to go," He said as he took a step forward and his knees buckled under his weight, I leapt forward to catch his as he fell, and I shouted the only word that came to mind


July 1st, 1996,

Dear Diary, Theo has been here for two weeks now and he is doing a lot better. My mum went to Medwitch school for two years so she is doing most of the work on him but he insisted on doing it himself and said "I'm used to it" Before mum's simple sleeping drought kicked in.

Mum said he had broken and bruised ribs, and razor cuts all over his body, along with too many brises to count. She said the cuts looked like they were from a lacero curse and he looked frightened whenever she was looking at them, she said his arm got the worst of it, and it looked as if underneath the fresh gashes there were aged healed over scars as well.

The first few nights he had nightmares so mum switched him to dreamless sleep potions instead. I barely saw him for the first week, mum told me to stay away, she didn't want him feeling embarrassed or on edge at this time. But she didn't know that every night after he had been given his potion I would go into the guest room and check on him, just to see if he was alive. I couldn't get the initial image out of my head, what the hell happened to him?. Mum says he hasn't said anything to her.

The second week was better, his bruises have almost faded from his face and he looks like himself again. You'd think he was the same old Theo if you didn't see the plaster on his left arm. Mum has always gone to bed early so I give it an hour and then I creep into his room and transfigured the desk into a bed and I stay with him. We would talk for hours about things we wanted to do this summer but never about what happened to him.

He had a trunk with him, and there were a few things in there but we didn't open it. Mum has given Theo a pair of dads old pyjamas to wear, I would think dad would have liked him to have them, he would have been a much better help than me.

July 5th, 1996,

Dear Diary, Theo got out of bed today and walked around my house for the first time. I could tell he was better but the bandage was still on and he was careful with his movements. He is still acting like Theo though and that's the most important thing, I can't imagine Theo with a crushed spirit.

July 7th, 1996,

Dear Diary, I got a letter from Max today. 

Hey Y/N, was wondering if you wanted to hang out soon, trip to Diagon Alley?. Just let me know. Feel free to use my owl, see you. 

Max <3

I thought about this for a while. I am not just going to kick Theo out, he can stay here all summer if he wants to. But I would like to see Max, so I asked Theo if he would mind if I invited Max over.

"Theo, do you know Max in Ravenclaw?"

"Max Rosier?" He asked

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