7 Truth or dare

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Hey, MrsMalfoy here, and I feel as if I should come clean. This story initially began with an idea that went something like this 

"I want this fic to blow up so I need to pick a really popular love interest, oh wait. If I pick all the possible love interests and put them all in the same fic everyone can read it" 

The inner workings of a 16 year olds mind, I know. But eventually, with the evolution of the story and the attachment, I developed over writing this, I think Y/N deserves more. The name was already iconic so I've incorporated it another way, but my idea has changed, however, I can't delete the old stuff (And some of the stuff to come) because it is all relevant to the plot, so let's just say ya girl was going through a phase and move on. Everyone is entitled to be a little bit of a Ravenwhore when they please. 

April 13, 1994,

Dear Diary, last night I hung out with Theo, Luca, Blaise, Malfoy, Pansy, and Luna in the Slytherin common room. We started off the night by playing never have I ever. Then after a good half an hour, we started playing truth or dare, Which might have turned into a drunken 7 minutes in heaven but I honestly couldn't tell you. All I remember was Malfoy ruining the mood, he was acting so strange. I was actually looking forward to seeing him because he's been so nice to me all week. 

It started off with me and  Luna in the library after dinner like the good little Ravenclaws we are. we were on our way out when we stumbled into a wild pansy on a mission and before we knew it we were sitting in a circle with 4 Slytherin boys and Pansy was still practically bouncing off the walls.

"Okay, okay, okay. So you might all be wondering why I gathered you all here tonight" She announced to the circle. 

A dead silence covered the room like a blanket and all that could be heard was the sizzling, cracking, and occasional popping of the fire.

Pansey continued "Well since you all must have forgotten today is my half-birthday"

Theo broke the silence  "What the bloody hell are you on about Pans?"

"Well, why have one birthday when you can have too?. So tonight we are going to celebrate. Clear your schedule and get comfortable because I have a lot planned for this evening."

Luca spoke again "Pansy we have a herbology quiz tomorrow"

Pansy puckers her lips and lowers her eyes which were now glossed over.

She began turning away and walking up to her dormitory "Oh okay just forget it then, I guess ill just go to bed" She said sounding heartbroken,

I felt guilty for not spending this time with her no matter how stupid it might sound. After all, how much studying could you really get done in two hours?.

I perched up from your slumped position and addressed the circle "I mean 2 hours won't hurt right guys?."  

Almost instantly Pansy spun around and clapped her hands loudly as a sickly sweet grin appeared on her face.

"Alright first order of business I say we play never have I ever," Pansy said as she rejoined the circle in her spot next to Malfoy.

Everyone's eyes trailed to me and none of them looked pleased...

"I'll start because I'm the birthday girl. I'll start off easy. Never have I ever fancied a teacher?" Pansy said as she put one of her 5 outstretched fingers down.

Everyone put up one hand very hesitantly. Blaise was the only other one to put a finger down.

Then it was Theo's turn "You know it's not actually your birthday Pans. Ugh nevermind. Never have I ever flashed someone?"

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