Part 1

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Just a little note to say thank you for choosing to read my book. It's now completed and hopefully edited (though do let me know if you still find any mistakes) Please vote and comment to let me know what you think!! Happy Reading :)


 They must have noticed I was missing by now so why weren't they looking for me?

What was the point of running away if no one came looking for you? I glance up again at the guards standing on the outer wall of the castle. I have been standing just outside the palace gate for nearly an hour now and the guards hadn't moved from their usual positions. I feel like such an idiot. After the argument I'd had with my father I really thought that he would have reacted. But here I was, standing in the middle of the entrance yard alone.

For the last hour I've felt the anger and frustration continue to build up at my father's complete lack of regard. I don't know why I'm letting it get to me so much. It really shouldn't be a surprise. My father has never seen me as anything close to a priority, there's always more important things going on than spending time with his only daughter. But he had promised and like an imbecile I'd believed him. Well, I reason, if my father doesn't care about me, if he isn't interested in keeping his promises, then I simply wouldn't go back. 

Turning around slowly I face into the city. Thinking about it, I have lived in the castle my entire life and yet never set foot inside the city surrounding it. I have ridden through it on horseback and in various carriages but that was always directly down the main road to leave the city when we head out to the country or go on tour. One day I was going to be Queen and yet I had never actually set foot in my own capital city. Well that was all going to change now, I had nothing but time to kill and a very large city to explore, so carefully removing my tiara and letting my hair fall loose, I wrap my cloak tightly around myself and set off.

Picking a random street a sense of nervous excitement grows within me. This is probably the first time in my life that I have done something that was not written on an itinerary, and although I was scared as hell going into a world I knew nothing about with no guards or back up of any kind, there was also the thrill and independence of it all. I glance back at the guards to see if my movement has had any kind of reaction but it hasn't.

Cautiously at first and then with more confidence, I begin walking down a twisting, narrow, cobbled lane with tall rickety buildings on either side looking like they could collapse at any moment. I pass a few people but nobody pays me any attention, no-one recognises me, they just continue about their day. It's quite refreshing, not feeling like I'm constantly being watched. At the palace I always feel like I'm on show and always have to be perfect. Continuing down my path, trying to keep my head down so as to remain inconspicuous but also attempting to take everything in around me, I suddenly emerge into a large square bustling with people. 

Everyone is standing around in small groups chatting and laughing. People call across the square waving to each other as a mass of small children run around with a ball. I've never seen anything like it. It's so relaxed and free. It seems so natural. It's...strange. These people were happy! I'd always thought being poor was like a disease, everybody brutal criminals attacking and robbing each other, constantly miserable, living a half life. That was always the impression I got from my father and Lord Fagan when they spoke about people and life beyond the wall. Not that I spent much time thinking about them but when I did I felt sorrow and pity for these people, yet here they were laughing and smiling more than I think I'd ever done in my strict court life. Sure I've lived a life of luxury and pampering and I had plenty of stuff. I couldn't move in my palace suite for the amount of things I had. If I wanted something I only had to ask. But I've come to learn that stuff doesn't make you happy. Recently I've started to feel so isolated and alone, with no-one my own age, other than the horrible Joseph to talk to. There were other children and teenagers in the castle but they were tutored separately to me and when I did see them it was awkward, I was always the outsider within the group. Seeing these people smiling with family and friends only reinforces everything I feel I've never had. It was an odd bewildering moment that almost made me want to cry, until a loud shout from across the square startled me out of my brief bleakness.

There appears to be some sort of show about to start as a boy, only slightly older than me and standing on top of a rough platform, calls people to him; " ain't seen nufin like it folks n you won't never see nufin like it agen. Here for one week only in this bootiful city o yours for you the good people of Carrard. That's right folks, boy av I got a real treat for yous, gava round folks, gava round. A different show every night and tonight's show's about ta begin, n if ya like what ya see don't be shy to show yas appreciation by putting ya spens in the hats. N now kinds people allow me ta give ya Gallavanties production of 'The Pirates of Scroll!'"

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