Part 16

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Awareness slowly returns as I feel someone gently stroking my forehead. The soothing motion is comforting and makes me smile. Opening my bleary eyes with a groan I'm surprised it's Sam's concerned face which greets me, not Risa's. Instantly the stroking stops though Sam's hand still rests on the side of my face. For a moment we just look at each other. Then Sam seems to realise where his hand is and quickly draws it away, leaning back with an embarrassed cough. "How are you feeling?"

"Everywhere hurts," is my quiet response.

Sam nods, "Your eye looks a little better at least. And the stitches in your head are still in place. Here, have some water." He says as he lifts a glass to my lips. I take a small sip without taking my eyes off Sam's. It's so strange that he is the one here taking care of me. He seems nervous, nibbling his lip, "Can I get you anything else?"

I shake my head then wince as pain shoots through my head.

"I'll get Risa, she'll want to know that you're awake."

Sam rises and leaves the caravan giving me time to reassess the damage done yesterday. Lifting my shirt to look at my ribs I see only the same purple patch from last night. So long as I only take shallow breaths the pain isn't too bad. Manageable at least. My elbow hurts when I bend it but the cut here turned out not to be as deep as first feared. The worst injuries seem to be concentrated on my head which throbs incessantly. Gently prodding at my face I sense the swelling has gone down, though I still can't open my left eye fully. As I tenderly feel the stitches along my hairline the caravan door opens and Risa comes in, a relieved look on her face.

"Oh Cara, you had us worried there," she says as she takes Sam's place on the wooden stool beside me.

"How long have I been out for?"

"It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you've been unconscious a good 20 hours."

"20 hours?" I say in alarm. "That long? What happened? Is everything ok? Has there been any word from the castle? Has anyone come looking for me?" I panic.

"It's alright," Risa tries to soothe, "This sometimes happens with head injuries. After everything you went through your body just needed some recovery time. And there's not been anything unusual up at the castle. Pepe, Kinken and Dav all went up there this morning, chatting to the guards and stable boys to see if there were any rumours about a missing girl. Seems there is a lot going on at the palace at the moment with visitors from all over, so one young girl not where she should be might not be so noticeable. In any case they heard nothing so I think you're undiscovered so far at least. With luck we'll get you away before those evil men who did this realise you're gone and come searching for you. Now my dear, let me get you some broth. You haven't eaten and you'll need to keep your strength up if you're to heal properly." Risa says as she bustles over to the kitchen.

Something doesn't feel right. It seems strange to think that I've been gone for that long and no one is looking for me. When I think back to that first time I ran away the guards came searching after a couple of hours. But then remembering the events of last night I recall the conversation I overheard between Lord Fagan and my father, it was clear that Lord Fagan was readying excuses for my disappearance. Telling the guards to spread rumours about my being ill and telling my father that I needed time alone, to be punished for my behaviour. If the guards had done their jobs and not let anyone enter my room then the only people who would discover I was not in my room would be Joseph or Lord Fagan. Would they want to raise the alarm, to tell people that I'm missing? Would they want people to find me given the state they left me in? Perhaps not. Which means they can't send the guards out in dramatic fashion like they did before. It would alert the whole castle. They might still be looking for me but discreetly. That could only be of benefit to me.

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