Part 31

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We travel fast, pushing the horses as far as we can each day. The weather is kind to us and we make good progress. As each day passes without word from Leforth my optimism that we might arrive in time grows. Each evening myself and the Lords draw up battle plans, discussing defensive strategy and trying to predict General Srumthro's attack. From my brief time with him I think he's arrogant enough not to be subtle about his approach and will simply throw everything on an assault at the main northern gate, but the Lords are keen to discuss every possibility which I suppose is wise. Sam and Dav take part in the meetings too, their knowledge of Leforth's streets proves valuable and their ability to come up with some less orthodox fighting tactics are brilliant. I think the Lords are quite impressed with their suggestions. They accept their presence and council without any dissent. On our final evening on the road we are all stood around a large map of Leforth. The eastern side of the city is protected by the Reladian mountains. Several times now I've opened my mouth to share my conversation with the Queen of Relad but stop myself. Although I felt like we understood each other and she seemed open to an alliance, the Relads have kept themselves so isolated I cannot expect aid to come after one brief meeting. The Relads rarely leave their mountain territory and to hope they might do so to help defend our city is futile. Still, I think, when we reach Leforth I will find a way to at least get a message to them to ask once more. At this point I will do everything I can to give us the best possible chance. Though we sent urgent messages there is still no word from Navas or Cobback. For now at least it appears we are on our own.

Though we expect the Karhaner army to focus their efforts on breaching the northern gate, the possibility of them circling to the western side of the city is real. The defences there are certainly less substantial. As the Lords suggest ways we can quickly bolster the wall if they do attempt an attack here the discussion is halted by the sound of approaching horse hooves. We turn as one to the sight of a rider charging down the road towards us from the direction of Leforth. He reins his horse in and flings himself off, dashing forwards as he pulls a letter from his pocket. "Your highness" he quickly bows, "A message from Lord Francis. The Karhaner army has been sighted."

There's a gasp from one of the Lords behind me but I'm too busy ripping the letter open to see who it was. Scanning the words quickly I take a deep breath before turning to the Lords who are all staring at me waiting for news. "The army has been sighted by scouts less than a day's march to the north of Leforth. Lord Francis predicts they will reach the city by tomorrow afternoon. He reports they have done all they can to bolster the northern defences but is worried they don't have the men to hold them back. Your men from the northern provinces and returning soldiers from Albeck are still coming in but the scout's report estimates the Karhaner army to be at least 20,000."

"20,000?" Mutters Lord Adrian turning pale. "Even if we arrive in time that only takes our numbers to barely 11,000. They will outnumber us two to one."

"We will arrive in time." Lord Culton says staunchly. "We rise early and push hard, we can make it by early afternoon. If the General chooses to attack immediately our men will have to go into battle without rest but at least we will be there."

I nod, "And Lord Francis says the defences have been strengthened. We have a chance."

"Plus you're only counting the official soldiers" Dav adds gruffly. "Never underestimate ordinary people fighting for their homes and families. You attack a woman's child and they become like a fierce tiger. If you include the citizens of Leforth then we have the numbers."

Sam steps forward, "We should organise for older citizens and those unable to fight to look after the children so everyone who wants to fight is able to."

"Even the women?" Asks Lord Klurgen incredulously.

"Yes the women. I dare say some of them are probably braver than a lot of men. I know some pretty courageous women." I can't help but smile at Sam's response. I slip my hand into his and give it a squeeze. Turning back to the messenger I return Lord Francis' note, "Get some food and rest, and then you must continue on to Carrard as fast as you can. My father must hear this news. Deliver the note directly to him, do not give it to Lord Fagan. Is that clear?" The messenger nods, bows and then leaves. Sam leans forward to whisper in my ear, "Do you think this will finally make your father believe you."

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