Part 29

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Stepping off the boat into Carrard is a surreal experience. Returning to the city that I once called home, where I first met the Gallavanties and all this began. It's just after noon and the city is a hive of activity, the citizens going about their regular routines. It seems odd to see such normality when I am filled with the knowledge that we are soon to be at war. Dav, Risa, Sam and I head straight for the northern castle gates, walking through the courtyard and approaching the entrance I attempt to walk straight in but a guard steps into my path. "Where'd ya think you're going?"

"To see my father, the King. Now move this is urgent." The guard stares at me for a moment and then bursts out laughing. "Good one, now move along."

I look at him in confusion before realising that he thinks I'm joking, he doesn't recognise me. To be fair to him, glancing down at my dusty clothes, it's not really surprising. I try again, "I realise this is a strange situation but I am Princess Elisa and you are stopping me from entering my own home."

The guard raises his eyebrows, "Do I look stupid to you?" He looks me up and down, "You ain't no princess and anyway, everyone knows the Princess is in Talor. You ain't getting in love."

At this point another soldier wanders over to see what's going on, I try to explain again, with support from Sam, Dav and Risa, but he doesn't seem interested in what he claims is some sort of con. He actually shoves me away, telling me to get lost or he'll have me arrested. Both Dav and Sam step forward in anger but I stop them and drag them both away. I thought the difficult part of the journey was getting to Carrard itself. This problem hadn't even occurred to me. Not being able to get into my own castle.

As we re-group just outside the gates trying to think of another way in, I notice a group of soldiers walking through the courtyard with one familiar face. "Scott!" I yell, "Scott! Over here!" He twists his head round and then I see his eyes widen in recognition. A smile breaks out across my face as he quickly abandons his group and makes his way over. "Who's he?" Sam asks suspiciously.

"A friend of Molly's, he helped get me in and out of the palace before."

"Your highness, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Talor, although Molly said that wasn't true. Where have you been? And who are these people?" Scott asks, glancing around at the Gallavanties.

"These are my friends. Listen Scott I need your help. I need to get into the castle but those idiots over there won't let me in. I tried to tell them who I am but they don't recognise me."

"Well you don't exactly look like yourself!" He points out, "I nearly didn't recognise ya. And security's been a lot tighter of late for some reason."

"You can get us in though, right?"

"Maybe." He looks behind him at the guards dotted around the square. "Go to the servants entrance on the east side. I'll go in and find Molly and see if she can get you in that way."

I breathe a sigh of relief, "Thank you Scott."

He nods and then quickly walks away. I grab Sam's hand and lead the way to the same door which I escaped from on my second ever visit to the city. We wait for what seems like ages but is probably more like twenty minutes when a familiar figure suddenly emerges from the door. Her face lights up at the sight of me and before I know it we're both hugging and speaking at once. "Molly it's so good to see you."

"Cara, I can't believe it's you. I almost didn't believe Scott when he told me you were here."

"It feels so strange to be back."

"Are you alright? Why are you back?"

"It's a long story but the short version is we're here to warn my father. Aleti is in danger. General Srumthro is planning to invade from Karhaner. I need to see my father, can you get us inside the palace?"

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