Part 18

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After more than two weeks on the road it's a relief to finally arrive in Ameve and set up a more permanent camp in the southern market square. Sam and I are sent off to cover the city with posters and spread the word that the Gallavanties are in town. We work for over an hour posting leaflets and adverts on every street corner. We don't talk much but remain within sight of each other just as Pepe insisted. I follow Sam's lead as he knows the city well. I found out from Luis that Sam was born here and grew up on the streets until he was picked up by Pepe and Dav when he was nine years old. I try to engage Sam in conversation by asking him about it but it's clear he doesn't want to discuss his childhood. As I'm pasting a large poster to the wall I'm approached by a group of young lads about my age who look at the advert with interest, "What's this then?"

"Oh it's the Gallavanties touring show. They're incredible, you don't want to miss it. Adventure, romance, comedy, even magic. You should come along, bring your friends. You won't regret it."

As one casually leans against the wall beside me, another asks with a smile, "Will you be there?"

"Well yes but I'm not in the show. Seriously though, they're amazing. We're here for the next week and there's a different show every night."

"Well maybe we'll see you there."

"You definitely should, and remember to bring your friends and family" I add enthusiastically.

Suddenly Sam grabs my arm and is dragging me away without a word. He is clearly fuming.

"Sam, what are you doing? What's wrong?"

Suddenly he releases my arm and spins around to face me, "What the hell are you doing? Why are you talking to those guys? Are you trying to sell yourself? They were all over you."

"I was just..."

"I know what you were doing. Do you flirt with every man you see?"

"I wasn't flirting..."

"Didn't look like it to me. Looked like you were enjoying the attention. Well if that's the sort of guy you like then fine. Far be it for me to question your taste in men, you're welcome to them."

And with that Sam turns and storms away whilst I stand there in shock wondering what on earth just happened. It's only as I watch Sam's retreating back that it suddenly occurs to me that I don't know my way back to the caravans. Calling after Sam urgently I try to chase him but I've already lost sight of his curly brown hair. Reaching the end of the street I look left and then right but can't see Sam anywhere. Damn him. What the hell was wrong with him? I think we came from the left so I turn and start to follow the street, hoping that I'll recognise the next street to turn down when I see it.

As I take another turning and still recognise nothing I'm really starting to get concerned now. Where I was in a fairly busy part of town the area I'm in now looks more ramshackled and there aren't many people walking these streets. I'm totally lost in a city that I've never been in before. A city that both Pepe and Dav specifically told me not to get lost in.

Cursing Sam once more for leaving me, I try to stay calm, desperately searching for anything that seems vaguely familiar. I stop suddenly when up ahead two men stumble out of an alehouse. Quickly I turn around and take a different path but as I walk down this new alley I know I've made a mistake. The sound of heavy footsteps behind has me quickening my pace. A trickle of fear runs down my back and all my senses are heightened as instinct tells me that danger is near. Nearly running now I race down the twisting narrow streets, hoping against hope that I'm heading in the right direction. I scream as a sudden jerk on my arm swings me round and I find myself facing a tanned ugly looking man with a bald head and bushy beard. Two more men approach from behind him as I slowly back myself up against the wall. Looking around at the three large men now surrounding me I know that I'm in real trouble. These men are not like Dav Creek. These are no gentle giants.

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