Part 7

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The following morning I'm woken as usual by Diane, my lady's maid, and told to prepare for lessons. When my breakfast is delivered by Molly, she gives me a small smile but with Diane there it's impossible to talk. Instead I smile back and give her a thumbs up. Diane runs through my schedule which includes two lessons this morning and a council meeting this afternoon. Truth be told, a fairly standard day in my life, but after two days of experiencing the world outside of my castle, it's a shock to get back to reality and I can't find any enthusiasm for the day ahead. Another knock at the door signals the arrival of Tutor Jenna. She strolls in with an armful of books, does an awkward curtsey and then moves over to the large table at the opposite end of the suite. As she begins setting up I grab my notebook and pen and head over. Grabbing a glass of water and settling into my chair I wait for Tutor Jenna to begin but then Joseph, Lord Fagan's son and an entitled arrogant asshole, suddenly strolls in. With a cocky smile he takes the seat next to me, "Alright Princess?"

I don't smile back, "What are you doing here?"

"What? Not happy to see me?" Joseph laughs.

Tutor Jenna explains, "With the arrival of Ambassador Dorn from Navas tomorrow, today's lesson is focused on our history with Navas, as well as their traditions and culture, so that you can make the best impression at the ball tomorrow. Master Joseph is here for the same reason. Lord Fagan has specifically requested that I give you all the information you need and that I make it absolutely clear to both of you how vital it is that tomorrow's meeting goes well. You will both be expected to represent the future of Aleti in a positive light and demonstrate our prosperity and therefore worthiness of an alliance to Ambassador Dorn. I cannot stress enough the importance of tomorrow."

She briefly fixes us both with a serious stare before sharply turning to the board behind her. For the next hour she talks non-stop, feeding us so much information I feel that my head is going to explode. Whilst I have been frantically taking notes, Joseph, sat beside me, has been nonchalantly staring out the window or doodling on his paper, seemingly not paying any attention. Unable to keep up I put my pen down to rub my aching wrist, and as Tutor Jenna's voice drones on I find my mind drifting back to the Gallavanties. I wonder what Risa is upto right now? Just as I'm starting to completely tune Tutor Jenna out the topic switches to the reason for the Ambassador's visit, the proposed trade deal between Navas and Aleti.

"The alliance will increase the availability of luxury goods such as silks, gold, silver and precious gems, which of course Navas is famous for. Lord Fagan has also negotiated promises from the King of Navas to support the development of our navy. Increased taxes and the introduction of gate tolls will pay for the south road improvements so that transportation of such goods is quicker and smoother. In return Aleti have agreed to cease our fruit trade with Cobback in recognition of our relationship with Navas being more important."

Suddenly shocked out of my daydream I cut her off in the middle of her speal, "Wait, what was that you just said?"

Tutor Jenna seems surprised at my abrupt interruption and sudden keen interest. "All fruit trade will cease upon the signing of the new agreement with Navas."

"Why? Why are we cutting off trade with Cobback to please Navas? We've had an open trade arrangement with Cobback for several decades. I don't understand."

"Whilst that is true, Lord Fagan believes that a deal with Navas is more beneficial and this is a condition that the King of Navas has insisted upon."

She turns once again to the board as if to restart her lesson but I argue back, "How is it more beneficial to the people of Aleti? Surely the open trade of food is more important than silks and gold and gems?"

"I'm sure that Lord Fagan has taken everything into consideration and done what is best."

"Best for whom? It doesn't make sense."

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