Part 27

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When I wake up it's to find sunlight streaming through the window and the caravan stationary. Quickly climbing out of bed I race outside to find the Gallavanties all sat around a firepit. Luis is the first to notice I'm awake, "Morning sunshine, or afternoon more accurately."

"It's afternoon, really?" I say as I go and sit down next to Sam who immediately puts his arm around my shoulders and gives me a kiss on the side of my head.

I smile up at him, "Thanks for rescuing me"

"Anytime" he whispers before giving me a proper kiss.

Turning back to the others I thank them too.

"Did you really think we was abandoning yous?" Pepe asks with a wry smile, "Had to come up with a plan didn't we? Much easier to rescue yous when we're not all locked up as well."

"I figured you were leaving me so you could go to Leforth and warn Aleti about the attack."

"Not without you honey." says Risa.

"We'd never leave one of our own behind," adds Dav.

Luis pipes up, "Oh and if you're looking for someone to blame for the whole river swim thing it was all Kinken's idea."

I laugh, "Well I'll forgive you this time Kinken but next time could you come up with a plan that doesn't involve a sixteen metre jump into a freezing cold river?"

"I'll bear that in mind," Kinken says with a smile.

"Right" Dav says, standing with purpose, "We can't rest too long. They'll know you're gone and they'll be looking for ya, and if it were me the first place I'd be looking would be at the people ya came here with so let's get back in Aleti country before they catch up to us."

Pepe pushes himself to his feet before adding, "Cara you'd best stay hidden in the caravan so ya can't be seen by passersby. Sam you stay with her just in case any of the guards caught a glimpse of you last night n all."

Sam nods and we quickly pack up the makeshift camp and reattach the horses to the wagons, although truthfully they could do with a longer break. Climbing back into the caravan Sam and I cuddle up together on the bench. Sam gently starts to stroke my forehead as we set off again.

"I'm so glad you're ok. I'm sorry about our argument." Sam says breaking the comfortable silence. "It was stupid and I didn't mean what I said."

"I know, it was just the shock of finding out. I'm sorry I kept such a big secret from you. I know I should've told you earlier."

Apologies said we let the silence envelop us once more until, "Sam, you know everything you said last night, about me being a princess and you not being good enough?"


"Well I meant what I said. I love you and nothing's going to change that. Just because people come from two different worlds doesn't mean it can't work if they want it to. And I want it to, to work between us I mean. I just wanted you to know."

"I love you too and I want it to work as well."

"Then we'll make it work" I smile.

As Sam smiles back at me and moves as though to give me a kiss we suddenly hear a shout and then the distant thunder of approaching horse hooves. Slowly it dawns on me who those horses must belong to and Sam and I stare at each other in horror. "What do we do?" I whisper. Leaping up from the bench Sam pulls at the planks of wood underneath. Clearly on a hidden hinge that I've never noticed the wood swings open to reveal a small hole behind it. "Quick" Sam urges. Throwing myself off the chair I crawl into the now open space underneath. Sam forces himself in with me before pulling the wooden planks back into place with a click. The space is really only designed for one person but lying face to face there's just enough room. Trying to regulate my heavy breathing we both try to listen. There's definitely voices coming from outside though I can't make out what they're saying. Suddenly the caravan door is thrown open and heavy footsteps enter. I daren't breathe. My heart is pounding so loudly I fear that it's going to give us away. As the man with large black boots starts throwing things around, opening cupboards and searching under the beds another one enters. He moves towards our end of the caravan banging on the walls. Through the narrow slates in the wood I watch as he stops right in front of us. He bends down and reaches for the planks of wood in the bench opposite us giving them a sharp tug. Knowing he's about to do the same to our bench I reach out and grab the wood from the inside. Holding it with all my might I manage to keep it in place when the soldier tries to pull it. "Nothing" calls the other guard from the other end of the caravan

"Nothing" our guard echoes back and they both turn to leave. Even when the caravan door shuts I don't dare move, and Sam and I continue to lie in our hiding place for at least another fifteen minutes. I strain to listen to what's going on but can't hear anything now. The sound of the caravan door opening again makes the pair of us jump but we both let out a huge sigh of relief when it's Risa's voice which calls out, "It's ok, they're gone."

Emerging from underneath the bench Pepe fills us in on what happened. "Guards from Otraf caught up with us quicker than we thought. Searched all the caravans and questioned us but we played dumb. Acted as though as far as we were concerned you were still rotting in jail in Otraf, and seeing as when we left quite publically early yesterday you were definitely still locked up they couldn't really doubt us. Still think they were pretty surprised not to find ya here. Good job Sam."

"Well they nearly did find us if Cara hadn't thought to hold the wood from inside."

Pepe nods, "They're ahead of us on the road now though, heading to LeForth. I don't think it's safe to go that way."

"What other way is there?" I ask.

"Through Relad." he answers simply.

"Relad? But can we go that way? I thought the Relad's didn't like it when people entered their land."

"They don't, but I've been through once before and they do make exceptions if you don't mean harm and the need is great, and our need is pretty great don't ya think?"

With the decision made we turn east and follow a smaller dusty road. We travel well past nightfall until Pepe says that we really can't push the horses any further. The tension never leaves us and every sound has us all jumping up in fear, ready to fight or hide from whatever is coming. We take it in turns to sleep so that there's always at least two on guard to watch for anyone approaching. The following day we keep going though it's clear the horses are getting tired with the amount and speed we're asking them to do. Slowly though the mountains start to appear in front of us and grow more distinctive with each passing hour. We're nearly there. Now I just have to hope the arrowmen don't turn us away, or worse, kill us.

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