Part 12

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The following day I don't even try to hide my visit to the city. I even go so far as to tell Diane, my lady's maid, that I'm going. She tries to stop me of course but I ignore her protests. When she reaches the gates she tries to get the guards to intervene, insisting that they at least escort me, but I disappear into the crowd so fast they can't keep up. I take a winding route, deliberately doubling back on myself several times and avoiding the route to the square, just in case anyone is following me. When I'm sure the coast is clear I get to the Gallavanties square as fast as possible. Just stepping into the familiar square feels like coming home. I immediately head over to the Gallavanties' set up in the corner, although I can only see Pepe and Sam around. When Sam sees me I give a wave but he simply gets up and goes into one of the caravans. I frown. He really doesn't like me and I really don't know why. I'm cheered up though when Pepe spots me and comes over with a smile. "Alright there Princess? Nice to see you again."

"Princess? I'm not a Princess." I say panicked. Does he know who I am? How did he figure it out?

But Pepe just laughs, "I know. It's a figure of speech. Guess you're not allowed to joke about Princesses up in the castle in case the actual Princess is around and gets offended right?"

"Oh right, yeah" I say, trying to laugh it off and hide my initial reaction, hoping Pepe didn't read too much into it.

"Risa isn't here right now. Her and Luis have gone off for the morning but you can hang with me if you want. I'm off to check on the three other members of the Gallavanties if you wanna join."

"Three other members? I didn't know there were more of you. How come they're not here?"

"They're not in the show and they prefer larger lodgings than we can provide in the city." He says as I fall into step beside him.

"What are their names? How come I've never heard you mention them before?"

"Whisper, Storm and Rain."

Pepe gives a booming laugh at the confused expression on my face, "Horses, they're three horses. We're going to the stables."

"Oh" I say, feeling like a complete idiot.

"How did you think we travelled? Did you think we pulled the caravans ourselves?" He continues to laugh.

"I guess I didn't really think about it. I love horses though."

"Ah they're beauts too. 'Specially Storm, he's mine and he's gorgeous." Pepe says with a look of such devotion on his face.

"I can't wait to meet him."

We walk in comfortable silence for a few minutes, enjoying the sunshine as we stroll through the city, until I break it, "Pepe, can I ask you something?"

Pepe looks at me with his trademark one eyebrow raise, "Go on then."

"If you wanted to improve things for the people of Carrard, for the people of Aleti generally, how would someone do that? What would you do? What would you change first?"

Pepe gives a wry laugh, "Well that's a mighty big question. Not sure there's an easy answer to that. I guess I would ask the people. You can't please everybody o'course but if you wanna know what the people want and how to fix it, seems to me the best place to start would be by talking to them."

I nod. That makes sense. Molly said that before the curfew people were gathering in groups and talking about changing things. They must have had ideas of what they wanted to do. I start to think about how to possibly pitch the idea of people' forums, and giving ordinary folk a voice in the castle, but again I come up against the same stumbling block. Lord Fagan.

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