Part 10

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Something suddenly jolts me out of my sleep and I shoot up, looking around in panic.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I was trying to sneak out quietly. I never meant to actually fall asleep. Your lady's maid, Diane, came to check on you last night so I climbed into your bed with the covers pulled up to pretend to be you and it worked pretty well cos it was dark and we kind of have the same colour hair and then I don't know what happened, I must of drifted off and I'm so sorry Princess."

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I look at Molly's worried face with confusion. "It's fine. I don't mind, you were helping me." I flop back down onto my pillow with a groan before sitting back up again as another thought occurs to me. "Your parents won't be mad at you will they? You've been gone all night, they'll be worried."

"Oh no it's fine. They know that sometimes duties can keep us here. It's not unusual."

"Oh ok, that's good. I don't want to cause you any trouble when you've been so great."

Molly smiles, "I'm enjoying helping you, your majesty."

"Cara, you can call me Cara."

"Cara?" She questions.

"It's what my friends call me" I say with a smile. A slow grin spreads across her face and she nods, "Ok Cara."

She turns to leave again but then halts when there's a sound from the living suite. We both stare at each other in horror as we hear Diane's voice issuing instructions.

"What do we do?" she mouths at me in panic.

Leaping out of bed I look around the room for somewhere Molly can hide but there's only my trunk and I'm not sure Molly will fit. "It's fine. We'll just go out like everything is perfectly normal. You can say you were checking up on me after my illness."

Both taking a deep breath I open the door and stroll out like I don't have a care in the world. Molly follows after me. Diane is stood there with a clipboard like always but she also has Crella and Jonathon, my hairdresser and stylist for special events, with her. Diane does a double take at the sight of Molly emerging from my bedroom and looks at me as though waiting for an explanation. When I don't answer she returns her gaze to Molly, "Can I help you? What were you doing in the Princess' bedroom?"

Molly keeps her eyes meekly downcast as she answers, "I was just checking up on her highness after her illness."

"Thanks Molly" I add, just to make it clear to Diane that Molly was welcome.

Molly gives a deep curtsey and then leaves the room, giving me a wink and smile just as she closes the door. Diane immediately launches into organising mode.

"We have 150 minutes until Ambassador Dorn arrives and we have much to do. First will be the official welcoming ceremony of course. You remember your Navasian etiquette lessons from Tutor Jenna?" she asks, fixing me with a stare until I nod, "Good, then there will be a lunch in the great hall."

"Who exactly will be at this lunch?" I ask.

"The king of course, you, the ambassador and his deputy along with Lord Fagan and Joseph obviously, and all the Lords of Aleti who have traveled to Carrard for this momentous day." I fail to contain my groan at hearing the Fagan's will be there but although Diane glances at me she continues on with the schedule. "After the lunch Ambassador Dorn will be given a tour of the castle including the portrait gallery, great library and throne rooms. You and Joseph will escort him and you will put on a good show," she emphasises. "Then it's just a case of getting ready for the banquet and ball this evening." Diane slams her clipboard folder shut and turns to look at me expectantly. "Well why are you still standing there? Go and get in the bath so Crella can get on with doing your hair."

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