Part 22

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Over the next two days we cross the border and travel to Otraf. I swear the moment we crossed the border a dark shiver went down my spine. Nothing has felt right ever since. The road is empty. I can count the number of people we have seen on one hand. We go through several abandoned villages and pass countless farms which no one appears to be attending. The whole country feels deserted. All the Gallavanties feel it too. Even Luis is quieter than normal. I can tell that Pepe and Dav are on edge about it though they say nothing. The only one who seems unaffected is Kinken who maintains his outwardly calm demeanor. Finally as we draw closer to Otraf signs of life begin to emerge. Tents and ramshackled huts start to line the road. As we approach the city walls it appears as though this is where the people of Karhaner have come to. The population must have grown so much so that the inhabitants are spilling beyond the city walls and extending out into the surrounding countryside, although these makeshift homes have clearly been put up in a hurry.

Entering through the southern gate at first everything gives the appearance of a normal busy city on a midweek day. The streets are crowded and we pass a packed market square, but on closer inspection there don't appear to be many open stalls, and a lot of the people in the street are sat huddled under blankets. As we slowly negotiate the narrow lanes we attract many stares. Pale blank faces track our progress. At a nod from Pepe Sam starts to attempt to drum up business, handing out leaflets and shouting out that the Gallavanties touring show is in town. And whilst people take the leaflets and watch us cautiously, their faces remain cold and impassive. There's no buzz of excitement like in the other places we've been to. Not even from the children. They seem overwhelmingly wary of us. Pepe leads us to a large open space near the centre of the city and dismounts. "Things sure have changed a bit 'ere" is the only comment he makes about our lukewarm welcome. I catch Dav's eye and raise my eyebrows in question. He gives a nod to signal he understands what I'm saying. We need to investigate the worries we heard in Leforth and I can tell Dav is keen to try and find Gini's friends as promised. Whilst the others are already beginning to set up the stage Dav comes over to conspire. "Don't like this. Tis like Gini said, can't quite put me finger on what's troublin' but ya can feel it." I nod in agreement. "Ya ta stay 'ere kid. And that ain't a request" he says as I open my mouth to protest. "I don't like how quiet and suspicious the people were. Ya stay 'ere with everyone else, no wonderin' off ya hear? I'm ta look for Gini's friends and see what I can hear n I'll be back as soon as." Without another word he turns back to Pepe, mumbles something in his ear and then strolls off.

Annoyed at being left behind but knowing that he's right, I do as he says and stay in camp. We set up the stage and prepare for our first show and Dav still isn't back. I try to suggest to Pepe that Sam and I go and put posters up around the city like we did in Ameve but he says no. I think Dav's parting words may well have been about keeping me in sight. With all our preparations done and not being allowed to leave camp, Sam, Luis, Risa and I sit down to play a game of cards. Sam is trying to teach me the rules of a game I've not played before but I'm easily distracted, looking up at every sound, and Risa and Luis are comfortably winning.

Finally catching sight of Dav strolling back into the square I race over to him to see what he has discovered. But his grim expression and the shake of his head tells me it isn't good news. "Couldn't find them. Went to the address Gini gave me but it's all bordered up. Tried asking the neighbours but no-one would talk. Literally slammed the door in me face. Figured an alehouse would be a better bet, people always talk more freely when they got some drink in 'em, but the place was virtually empty. And the few people who were in there kept their lips tight. Started talking to one bloke but soon as I started asking questions he practically ran out the place without even finishing his pint."

Pepe presses his lips into a thin line at Dav's recount, clearly not liking what he's heard any more than I do. Then he seems to snap out of it because he claps Dav on the back and commands that we get on with the show.

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