Part 32

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It feels like my eyes have only just closed when the deafening sound of a large horn being blown across the city makes both Sam and I shoot up awake. Seconds later a young Leforth private bursts through the door breathing heavily. He hesitates at the sight of Sam and I but then quickly collects himself and bows as words rush out of his mouth. "Your highness, you're needed."

"Is it starting?" I ask as I immediately jump out of bed and start grabbing clothes and armour.

"Yes your highness" the man is staring at me wide eyed and a blush creeps over his cheeks before he turns away, "I'll wait outside, your highness."

Sam laughs as he climbs out of bed and starts dressing at a much calmer pace than my frantic efforts, "He nearly had a heart attack at the sight of you in your nightgown. He'll be telling everyone this story in future, telling his grandkids all about the time he saw the princess in her nightgown."

"Let's hope he gets the chance to have grandchildren." I mutter as I race towards the door but before I can open it Sam grabs my arm and pulls me back. For a moment he just holds me face and stares into my eyes. Bending down he gives me a fierce passionate kiss that ends far too quickly. "I love you" he breathes.

"I love you too." I whisper in reply. He looks at me for one more moment before giving a decisive nod, grabbing my hand and leading the way out the door.

We race down the stairs and into the dining room where our defense plans still lie all over the table. The mood is sombre and I'm greeted by a grim faced Lord Francis giving a brief nod. "They're moving" he says simply and the breath that I didn't even realise I was holding gets sucked out of my body. "Everyone knows their positions and jobs." Lord Francis continues looking around the room at the Generals gathered. "The gate mustn't fall." He emphasises again, just in case anyone had forgotten this most essential fact. He is greeted with nothing but determined nods. "Well then. May fortune smile on us all. To your zones." He instructs and instantly there's a burst of noise and bustle as everyone starts to leave the room, until it's just the Gallavanties left. Instinctively we've all held back though no-one says anything. The ominous silence makes my eyes begin to well with tears as I look around at my family, knowing this might be the last time we are all here together. "Don't be daft" Pepe breaks the silence gruffly, pulling me in for a quick hug. He slaps Dav on the shoulder and nods at Kinken, "Let's go deal with these pesky Karhaners." And with another quick hug for Sam and a small smile from Kinken they leave the room.

I turn back to Luis, Risa and Dav but can't think of a single thing to say. Dav and Sam will be positioned on the wall close to me but Luis and Risa are stationed together on the western side. Luis had tried to convince Risa to take charge of the citizens who were making their way to the south of the city, so as to be as far away from the fighting as possible, but she had refused. With somewhat pained smiles they simply open their arms and I rush into them, squeezing them both as hard as I can. "I love you guys."

"We love you too" murmurs Risa. And now I can't stop the tears from flowing. Risa wipes them away but more are silently running down my face as she hugs first Dav and then Sam. She whispers something in his ear, which I think is about me judging by the glance he throws my way, but I don't hear what it is. Luis follows Risa with tight hugs and then takes her hand and they walk out the room without a backward glance.

Wiping away my tears with the backs of my hands. I take a deep breath. "Spose we'd better go or they'll start without us." I mumble trying to inject some humour and ignore the fact that I feel like I've just said goodbye. It's not funny but Sam smiles anyway and takes my hand.

We exit the Lord Manor house and quickly make our way north, merging into the chaos that has filled the streets as men and some women with weapons race towards the city wall, while others with young children or elderly relatives race south. Weaving around the bustling carnage we reach the wall and climb the stairs to step out on the battlements. Already the wall is lined with men. Stepping forward to look through a crenel I see a sight that stops my heart. A seemingly never ending stretch of Karhaner soldiers lined up like a twisting snake. My gaze swings from left to right trying to encompass the full army but I can't. Once again fear grips me. But glancing at the soldier to my left, who looks rather like I feel, pale with sweat pouring down his face and a slight tremor wobbling his lip, I realise I cannot let my fear show. Drawing myself up I try to give the soldier a reassuring smile before going to take up my designated position. Dav and Sam do the same, Dav's final message coming out more like a threatening growl, "Stay in sight."

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