Part 8

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Nervously entering the chamber I see that most of the Lords are already gathered and it seems that we are just waiting for my father and Lord Fagan to arrive. As I make my way to my seat a couple of the councillors are already giving me strange looks. Molly has lightly sprinkled flour onto my face in an effort to make me look paler. It's step one in her plan to get me out of the meeting and give me time to visit the Gallavanties again. The risk of trying to sneak out for a third day in a row is high but Molly's right. The Gallavanties are only here for a few more days and then they'll be gone and my life really will return to its normal boring pattern. Although whatever happens, I know that I will never forget what I've learnt about the city in the last two days, and I still intend to do what I can to change it.

I take my place at the top of the table, just to the left of where my father will sit at the head, and opposite Lord Fagan's seat to my father's right. A few moments go by with the Lords all engaging in murmured conversation with each other whilst I sit there in silence. Today's council meeting is focused first on the visit of Ambassador Dorn and the agreement with Navas, followed by the usual other business including an update of the situation in Karhaner, an agriculture report from Vamanst and a finance report from the treasury department. 

Still thinking about my lesson earlier I lean over to the Lord next to me, Lord Culton I think his name is, "This trade agreement with Navas, do you truly think it's the right thing for Aleti? The plans to increase taxes and introduce toll gates to raise money for the work on the highway. I checked and Navas aren't contributing anything towards the costs of improving the Southern road even though more than 60% of it is in Navas territory, not Aleti. That doesn't seem right. And the condition that we have to end all fruit trade with Cobback? We seem to be doing an awful lot to please Navas, more than we should. Is it really in our best interests?"

Lord Culton stares at me with a dumbfounded expression. "I err, I don't know. I haven't read the agreement."

Now it's my turn to look dumbfounded, "You haven't read the agreement? What do you mean you haven't read the agreement? Isn't that what we're all here to discuss?"

"Lord Fagan hasn't shared the details with the rest of us. He has worked on the deal alone. Today is the first time we're hearing what has actually been agreed."

I'm baffled by this. How can Lord Fagan have negotiated an entire trade agreement with Navas without consulting any of the other Lords? Before I can respond my father and Lord Fagan enter the room and everyone stands. Quickly joining them I watch as they round the table and take their seats before everyone else sits down too.

My father doesn't even look at me or the other lords before he turns to the right and gestures for Lord Fagan to begin. Lord Fagan nods and rises. In his hand he clearly holds the Navas agreement but I notice he doesn't have copies for anyone else. Instead he starts to read. Or at least I assume he is reading the document. He could easily be missing key information out. When he reaches the part about ending fruit trade with Cobback there is a surprised murmur around the room. 

Lord Fagan ignores this and tries to continue but I jump in, "Why have we agreed to this? Cobback have been our allies and trade partners for decades. Our fruit trade with them is a huge part of our economy. Why would we sacrifice that? I don't like that the King of Navas is dictating such strict terms. An agreement should be about compromise. What are Navas compromising for us?"

Lord Fagan gives me a stare so deadly a chill runs down my spine. My father seems surprised at my outburst but Lord Culton beside me also speaks up, "I believe the Princess has a point. She also mentioned some discrepancies with the Southern road improvement costs."

Lord Fagan tries to hide his frustration but doesn't do a good job of it, "The southern road improvements are vital to ensuring that trade with Navas is as efficient as it can be. The benefits to improved access to the gold and silver markets are untold. I think the Princess is highly exaggerating the importance of fruit trade with Cobback. As the Princess points out we have been trading with Cobback for decades and look where we are. We shouldn't be focusing on the past. We should be looking to the future. The future lies with Navas, not Cobback. The deal in all its complexities can be difficult to understand coming from a position of ignorance" Lord Fagan says giving me a poignant look as he says the word ignorance, "but I can assure everyone that I have worked tirelessly on this deal and there is no need to be concerned about anything."

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