Part 19

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Turns out the rest of the Gallavanties are not in such a forgiving mood. In fact they're all pretty angry. Not at me but at Sam. He has to endure heated lectures from Pepe, Dav and Risa about how much danger he put me in. Risa swears she's never letting me out of her sight again after Dav tells her what almost happened. I try to imply she might be overreacting but then she points out that I've only just recovered from a pretty serious beating and I don't really have a comeback for that, so end up just listening whilst giving Sam sympathetic glances. I mean technically what they're saying is true. He did abandon me in the middle of a city that I don't know, and I did almost get attacked by three pretty scary guys but I can't help feeling a little sorry for the grilling he's taking. Especially when Pepe starts listing the extra chores he's now going to have to do as punishment. Sam stands there silently, seeming to accept everything they say. Eventually Sam's sent to get started on his now seemingly endless list of chores whilst Risa asks for my help to prepare tonight's dinner. Now that we're on the coast Risa's making the most of it and seems to be planning fresh fish into every meal. I don't see Sam again until everyone is gathering for the first show. We give each other a secret smile but don't say anything as Dav launches into his usual pre-show pep talk he likes to give to get everyone 'in the zone' as he says.

The crowd isn't as big as previous city shows but I suppose word hasn't had much time to spread throughout the city yet. Luis says the crowds always grow each day and that the shows at the end of the week are always the busiest. Still the performance is greeted enthusiastically and there seems to be a fair amount of coin thrown into the hats. The biggest difference I notice comes after the show. There's no curfew here in Ameve and no city guards terrifying the citizens, so when the performance ends the audience don't leave. They stay in the square chatting with each other. An alehouse just opposite us is overflowing with patrons as people enjoy their evening together. This is what it should be like in Carrard I can't help thinking. 

When the Gallavanties appear they're approached by tons of people who want to shake their hands and congratulate them on the show. By the time they're done and make their excuses to return to the caravans it's much later than usual. We take our now familiar places around Risa's table tucking into the fish stew we prepared earlier. I comment on the differences between Ameve and Carrard that I've already noticed and Pepe nods in agreement. As the Gallavanties start discussing similarities and differences between all the places they've visited, comparing their favourites, unbeknownst to them all Sam has taken my hand underneath the table. We eat our dinner hand in hand, occasionally catching each other's eyes with a smile but trying not to let everyone else see us. When I look up and catch Risa watching she simply raises her eyebrows at me. Maybe someone has noticed. I give her a small smile but say nothing. As everyone stands to leave, returning to their own caravans to sleep, Risa leans over and whispers in my ear, "I think you and I need to have a little chat in the morning." Sam sees the interaction and gives me a quizzical look but I just shake my head, not able to say anything in the moment, and then Risa's shooing them all out the caravan declaring that she's tired. I'm not sure what Risa will think of me and Sam. I hope she's ok with it.

Just as I'm starting to drift off I hear a quiet tap on the window next to my bunk. At first I ignore it but then it becomes slightly louder and more persistent. Peeking out from behind the curtain it's Sam's smiling face which greets me. Glancing towards Risa and Luis' bedroom I quietly open the window as much as is allowed. "What are you doing?" I whisper.

"Saying good night" he replies with a cheeky grin, then he leans in and gives me a quick kiss, "See you tomorrow beautiful." I laugh at his cheesy line but can't help lying awake for hours afterwards thinking about his kiss. A huge smile all over my face.

The next morning I can feel Risa's eyes watching me and Sam like a hawk all through breakfast. After we've eaten she sends Sam off on an errand, insisting that he head to the fish market in the northern quarter for a specific type of shrimp. Sam tries to take me with him but Risa lies, telling him that she needs my help with some costumes. As soon as she's practically pushed him out of the door she turns to me, raises her eyebrows and says, "Go on then spill. When did this happen?"

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