Part 6

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It was hard work. I'd never actually done any kind of manual labour and even lifting costumes made my arms ache. But this was what I had wanted last night when I had been sat at the table unable to join in with the banter of the Gallavanties. Helping to put away last night's costumes and getting the new ones prepared for tonight filled me with a purpose and sense of belonging. Chatting with Risa, discovering how she had first come to be a part of the Gallavanties touring group and hearing stories from her time on the road, meant the next hour passed in a blur. Risa had been with Pepe travelling the world ever since her and Luis had eloped, their parents having tried to prevent them from marrying back in their home town of Andrent in Toria, a country to the far south. This was her third visit to Carrard in as many years.

"Has Carrard always been like this?" I ask.

"How do you mean?"

"Like it was last night. With everyone running from guards and the curfew and everything. And there're so many people begging for food on the streets. Is there no-one to help them?"

"It seems to be getting worse. It's never been this bad before." Risa nods grimly, "Taxes keep going up, people lose their jobs because employers can't afford to keep them on, and then they can't afford to pay their rent so they end up on the streets with no job, no money, no food. Prices for everything keep rising to pay for the taxes and it's just a continuing downward spiral for many. People who can help do but most are just barely surviving themselves."

I nod in understanding, "And the curfew?"

"The first time I came here almost four years ago the curfew had not long started. Never really understood why it was needed in the first place to be honest. I asked around at the time but no one knew. There was no warning. The order just suddenly came down from the palace and that was that. I think some folk tried to fight against it at first but when they ended up either beaten or imprisoned everyone else just learnt to accept it I guess."

"Beaten? For breaking curfew?"

Risa fixes me with a serious expression, "The city guards can be brutal. With no one around to check their behaviour the power's gone to their heads. They can do what they want without repercussions. Promise me you'll be careful around the city Cara, and if you see guards you get out of there fast ok?"


Risa looks at me for a moment, making sure that I'm taking in the seriousness of her request, before nodding and accepting my response. "Come and help me finish getting dinner ready before the show. I'm making Luis' favourite, lamb and potato hotpot."

"I'm not sure I'll be much help, I've never cooked before." I confess as I follow her into the caravan.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you. You'll be a pro in no time," she grins.

Twenty minutes later and I'm carefully stirring a large pot of lamb and potato hotpot. Risa is chopping carrots next to me whilst telling me about the time Luis and Sam nearly set one of the caravans on fire.

"The caravan smelt of smoke for a week" she laughs, "and the chicken was so burnt that we couldn't eat any of it. Honestly, never let Luis cook for you. It's not worth the risk."

"Hey! I heard that!" Luis exclaims, entering the caravan door just as Risa is finishing her story, "and it wasn't entirely my fault, Sam was involved too."

"Pretty sure it was you who forgot to add more water. There's still hope for Sam." Risa teases.

"Honestly Cara, I don't think she'll ever let me live that one down. You try and do something nice for someone and I get nothing but criticism, mocked by my own wife." He shakes his head in faux disappointed but then can't keep the grin off his face. Wrapping his arms around Risa's waist he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, "We're in much safer hands with you my love, thanks for cooking again, smells wonderful."

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