Part 5

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It worked. I can't believe it actually worked. Walking through the castle gates out into the city the guards hadn't even glanced at me, dressed as I was in a set of Molly's spare clothes. She had certainly taken quite a bit of convincing but eventually Molly had agreed to cover for me and lend me a dress and cloak which made blending in much easier this time around. So long as Molly didn't betray me and ensured that she was the one to deliver my dinner tray later that evening then my absence shouldn't be noticed. I had the whole afternoon to explore the city. To find answers. To see the Gallavanties again. A smile lit my face at the thought of seeing Risa. 

Turning down the same cobbled street which had led me to the Gallavanties before I couldn't help but feel at home. Strange how the city could seem so familiar and welcoming after only one visit. The streets were certainly busier than they had been the day before. For a moment I just stand and watch, absorbing everything around me. Many doorways stood open with people bustling in and out. Some carried baskets full of shopping whilst others strolled down the street empty handed. There was a woman sweeping leaves that had gathered in front of her door as a man opposite washed the windows of a shop which appeared to be a bakery, the smell of freshly baked bread wafting up the street. One woman hung washing from an upstairs window and another tended to a small box of flowers. They called to each other with a smile and wave. These people were so far removed from the thieves and cut throats my father had described I wondered where his low opinion of the city folk had come from.

Continuing down the street I notice an older woman sitting crossed legged on the ground, her hands held out in front of her. Is she praying, I wonder? Or meditating? But then realisation dawns as a young man walking past hands her an apple, her answering smile and call of thanks receives a small nod before the man moves off. As the lady takes a bite from the apple I watch as the man moves further down the street and produces another apple from his pocket. Following him curiously I spot another person sitting on the corner of a crossroads holding a sign begging for food, money or work. Again I watch as he is handed an apple by the kind man and gratitude lights up his face. It occurs to me how dire their situation must be if a mere apple can bring them such joy. Why is more not being done to help these people? To give them proper food? Guilt gnaws at my stomach when I think about the meals I get back at the palace. Perhaps next time I can sneak some food out with me to give to these people. Resolving to do what I can I continue down the road, but now with more awareness of those I see sat at street corners begging. 

Finally reaching the square, I see an almost identical scene to the one I left just a few hours earlier. Luis is painting the now repaired planks at the front of the stage, Pepe's writing in a notebook and Risa is sat at the same table as before, but this time peeling potatoes. There's no sign of Sam or Dav though Kinken is here, lugging a large crate across the stage. As Risa spots me a welcoming smile lights up her face and I can't help but run into her opening arms for a hug.

"Well hey there, I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon."

"I escaped again" I respond with a giggle suddenly feeling so giddy at being with the Gallavanties again.

"Well I'm glad. You didn't get into any trouble when you got back did you?"

"No it was fine," I shrug my shoulders and glance away, not wanting Risa to see my unease. I'd been very careful the night before not to talk about myself. After seeing my dress the Gallavanties guessed that I was from the palace but not exactly who I was. How could they? My sheltered life hadn't led to much interaction outside of the castle so being recognised was unlikely.

"You here for the show again kid?" Pepe asks as he wanders over still clutching his notebook.

"Yeah, you said it was something different every night and last night's was so great so I just thought..."

"Well you're a bit early, show's not for another couple of hours."

"Oh that's ok, I don't mind. I'm just enjoying being out in the city again."

"Hhmmm" Pepe murmurs as he turns away again, "nice dress by the way" he calls as he walks over to join Kinken.

Glancing down at my borrowed outfit Risa smiles.

"I thought it might help me blend in a bit better," I said by way of explanation.

Risa laughs, "I think you'd stand out whatever you wear but yes I suppose it helps. Come on you can help me sort out these costumes."

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