Part 9

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By the time I'm able to get away it's late afternoon already. Exiting the castle from the east gate means entering the city at a different point to normal and it takes me a moment to orientate myself. Heading in what I think is the right direction I'm nearly knocked over by a young lad who is dodging through the crowd with a ball tucked under his arm. A young girl chases after the older lad but can't keep up and trips on the uneven stone. As she begins to sob, holding her grazed knee, her father appears beside her, scooping her up in one motion to dry her tears. The tender look in his eyes as he kisses her forehead before setting her back on her feet is a look that I don't ever remember seeing on my father's face. Certainly I've never felt the warmth of a fatherly hug or experienced a kiss on the forehead like that. Wait, that's not true. I have experienced exactly that, with Risa. 

As I watch the girl and her father walk away I'm left with the awareness that there is so much I've missed out on living my luxurious life in the castle. Stuff I wasn't even aware I had been missing. Real friends, a real family. To think that just four days ago I had been blissfully ignorant as to how empty my life had been. How strange to think that one trip into the city would change that and open my eyes to so much. 

As I contemplate this the sudden sight of Dav Creek interrupts my thoughts. He strolls down the street then turns left into a narrower alley. On impulse I follow. I reach the top of the alleyway just in time to see Dav make another left turn further ahead. Quickening my pace so as not to lose sight of him I follow him right, then left, left again, then up a set of stone steps, across a narrow wooden bridge and down another flight of steps, then right and left again. I try to keep track of the turns we are taking but it soon becomes too much and I've no idea the path we're now on, I just continue to follow. But soon the twisting lanes mean it becomes impossible to keep Dav in my sight line and I lose him. I keep going, glancing down each turning, trying to spot his familiar curly hair but I don't see Dav anywhere. He could've turned down any one of these alleys.

Deciding to give up I spin around to go back the way I came and instead slam straight into a chest that is as hard as a rock. I would have fallen were it not for the two strong arms that shoot out to catch me. I look up and breathe a sigh of relief. Dav Creek.

"Are you following me?" He says releasing my arms.

"Not intentionally." I try to bluff, "I was just exploring the city and saw you coming down here."

"Well I suggest you go back the way you came. This ain't a part of town you wanna explore. Only thing you'll find round here is trouble."

"Really?" I say looking back down the street with renewed interest.

"Oh no no, you're coming back with me." Dav takes my arm, although much more gently this time, and starts to lead me back up the road.

"Why? Is it really that dangerous?"

"It is for someone like you." he mutters.

"Someone like me?"

"Young, pretty, sweet, innocent. The people who spend time in this part of town would eat you alive."

"But you're spending time in this part of town and you wouldn't hurt me."

Dav stops so suddenly I almost run into him again. Deliberately looming over me, he raises one eyebrow and snarls at me, "What makes you so sure of that?"

I shrug, completely unfazed by his attempts to intimidate me, "I just am. I'm not saying you couldn't hurt me," I gesture towards him in a vague indication of his large bulk and muscles, "obviously you could, but I know that you won't. I feel safe when I'm with you."

Dav looks surprised at this statement and turns away to resume walking, but not before I see the beginning of a small smile. "Come on, let's get you back to the others."

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