Part 11

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When I return to my room I am once again greeted by Crella and Johnathon who immediately set to work on transforming me for the ball. 60 minutes later and with a new dress, tiara, make-up and hair style, I find myself leaving my room once more.

I enter the ballroom from the upper balcony and have to admit that I'm impressed. This is by far the most elaborate ball the castle has thrown, at least as long as I've been alive. It's clear that no expense has been spared. Every inch of the large hall has been decorated. Extravagant flower arrangements line the room and footmen stand every few metres with trays full of champagne. Silver chandeliers filled with burning bright candles illuminate the festivities and an orchestra plays from the balcony opposite.

As I make my way to the top of the grand staircase and wait to be announced Joseph sidles up to me. "You're looking delightful. Although it wouldn't kill you to smile. This is supposed to be a celebration."

"And what exactly are we celebrating?"

"My father's success of course, and Aleti's bright future."

"If you say so." I shrug. I'm not in the mood to engage with Joseph right now.

"Shall I escort you to the ball?" He says holding out his arm.

"No, I can escort myself." I say turning away. But suddenly Joseph grabs my arm and drags me back. Digging his nails deep into my arm he pulls me close and hisses into my face, "You ungrateful little bitch. You won't be above me in rank for much longer and I won't forget what an arrogant stuck up cow you're being. Any girl in the country would kill to be escorted by me."

"Then go and torment one of them" I say, pulling my arm free and getting away from Joseph as fast as I can. Glancing down at my arm I can see the marks and some blood where his nails dug into my flesh. I head to the bathroom to clean up the blood and regain my composure. I must find my father. Surely if I show him this he won't make me marry the brute. The more time I spend with Joseph the more I see his father in him and truth be told that scares me. There's a look in both of their eyes that says they would do anything to get to the top and no one should get in their way. And that's exactly what I'm doing, getting in their way.

Searching the ballroom is not an easy task. Every Lord and Lady and dignitary in the country is here. Every two steps I'm greeted by someone who I've never met before but who seems desperate to meet me. I nod and smile and greet them all, but then move on as quickly as possible. Circling around the edge of the room to try and avoid further introductions, I still can't see my father, or Lord Fagan for that matter. Suddenly I feel a cold breeze on the back of my neck and a whisper in my ear. "You need to dance with Joseph. It's expected."

"Lord Fagan, I'm afraid I'm not feeling well enough to dance, I'm still recovering from yesterday you understand. Have you seen my father?"

"Your father is extremely busy. You're not to disturb him. If you are unable to dance then you can keep the guests entertained with your charming conversation." He gives me a false smile and then walks sharply away, weaving through the crowd. I watch him exit the ballroom and am just about to continue my search for my father when I notice Ambassador Dorn slipping out the same exit. My curiosity instantly awakens and before I can think better of it I follow after them.

As I sneak into the corridor I'm just in time to see Ambassador Dorn turning the corner. Tiptoeing after him I peak around the wall edge but the corridor beyond is empty. Quickly moving further I race to the end of this hallway but still can't see either the Ambassador or Lord Fagan. Annoyed with myself for losing him, I turn to go back to the ballroom when I hear Lord Fagan's voice drifting out of the open door from a room on the left. Silently I creep closer.

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