Part 2

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He was right. I hadn't ever seen anything like it and it was brilliant. I'd never much liked the theatre at the palace. It was old and stuffy and full of unbelievably long songs and music I didn't understand, and in all honesty it was just plain boring. But this, this was alive. I cheer and clap as loud as anyone as the actors take their final bow and I find myself desperately wishing I had some coins on me to throw into the hats that were now being passed around and filled by other members of the audience, but I didn't think that going up and putting my tiara into the hat would be too good of an idea.

As people begin to drift away I become conscious of how darkness has fallen during the show, and it rather abruptly occurs to me that I must have been missing for several hours now. I'd better be getting back to the palace before my father becomes too worried, or angry for that matter. Then all hell breaks loose. Suddenly, where before people had been casually wandering off or milling around saying goodbye to friends, panic descends like a tidal wave and everyone starts running in different directions. Not having a clue what's going on I just stand stock still and within seconds the entire square is empty, with the exception of the travelling showmen who are frantically packing up.

It's then I hear shouting and the sound of horses' hooves from further away and I realise what is happening. Clearly my father has finally sent the guards out to look for me; although why this would send all the city folk running in such fear I have no idea. I am just mentally debating whether I should begin heading towards the soldiers who are searching for me, or stay where I am and wait for them to come to me, when a rough hand grabs my wrist. "Why are you just standing there? They're coming! Quickly! You can hide with us."

Before I know what is happening I'm being dragged towards one of the caravans belonging to the travelling showmen I have just finished watching. Despite my protests, the young man who has grabbed me pushes me inside, climbs in after me and shuts the door, at the same time turning off the lights. As I lie on the floor in near total darkness next to the young female from the play, whilst two of the men crouch protectively closer to the door of the caravan, I can hear the sound of hooves and shouts from the palace guards outside. They are only a matter of feet from me, all I have to do is shout out and they will find me and take me home. Yet I don't. My brain keeps telling me to just stand up and go out, to yell something, but for some reason my mouth wouldn't obey, and I just lie here in silence, listening to the heavy breathing of the others in the caravan with me as the horses' hooves, and soldiers shouts, begin to move away.

We lie in silence for another five minutes with no one daring to move or speak before the same young man who had pulled me into the caravan slowly stands up and glances out the window, "Coasts clear" he mutters, and all at once everyone relaxes, the lights are turned back on and then all six pairs of eyes turn to survey me. "What's your story then?" asks an older man who appears to be the leader of the group. I open my mouth to answer him but then can't think of a single thing to say and so quickly snap it shut again. The man sighs and rolls his eyes before saying, "Well do you at least have a name girl?"

"Cara" I blurt out without thinking, and then immediately wonder why I had given my middle name instead of my first name Elisa. Something to do with their reaction to the soldiers tells me that telling these people who I really am would be a bad idea.

"Hi Cara, I'm Risa" says the young woman who I have just been lying next to. "Are you alright? You seem a bit startled." She smiles at me in such a kind way I just stare blankly back at her, wondering why she is being so nice to a complete stranger. "I, errr, I have to go" I say simply and make to move towards the door before stopping suddenly when the same young lad who had dragged me into the caravan steps in front of me. "You can't leave, are you insane? Did you not hear the guards."

"But they've left now" I argue.

"Sam's right girl, you can't go walking through the city at night. It's dangerous for a young pretty thing like you, and if them guards catch you out after curfew you'll be enslaved quicker than lager than turns to piss."

"Enslaved?" I ask aghast, choosing to ignore the man's vulgar language.

"You're not from round here are you?" the larger man replies with a wry smile and shake of his head. "Trust me girl, best to stay here until daylight, at least if ya know what's good for ya."

"Come on love, I've made my famous stew." The woman Risa says as she puts her arm around me and leads me to a table set up at one end of the caravan. "You'll be alright here with us until morning and then you can return to wherever it is you came from."

Not feeling like I have much choice I sit down at the table whilst everyone else begins bustling around grabbing bowls and spoons. Soon all seven of us are sat around the one tiny table and I am presented with a chunk of bread and a bowl full of stew. Hesitantly at first I slowly sip a small spoonful of the broth. Risa sits watching me and laughs, "I'm not the best cook in the world but it's not poisoned."

"That's a lie," says the young man sat beside her, "she is the best cook in the world."

"Hear hear" cry the others whilst Risa just laughs and carries on dipping her bread into her stew. As the group begin chatting and laughing about the show I feel myself relax and start once again to eat. I have to admit that the stew is really good, very different to anything I have had at the palace, and as I look around at the strange company I find myself in, I realise that I am rather enjoying myself. As I sit and listen to this group of friends talking and joking I can't help but wish that I was a part of it. Wish that I could join in with the conversation and understand their inside jokes. Even though I can't contribute to their back and forth banter I can't remember the last time that I had felt so at home.

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