Part 30

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As I walk along the third floor corridor towards Lord Culton's chamber the mumble of several conversations happening at once grows. Approaching the doorway I can hear heated exchanges as people try to talk over each other, their voices practically shouting to be heard above the din. Pushing the door open I squeeze into the crowded room with Sam, Risa, Dav, Molly and Scott following. Lord Culton's chamber is full to bursting with Lords but as soon as my presence is noticed a deafening silence descends as all eyes turn towards me, just as they did in the Lords Chamber before. Although this time there is less shock and more guarded expressions which greet me. I realise they are all waiting for me to speak but a sudden wash of nervousness pours over me and I'm unsure how to start proceedings. Noticing my hesitation Lord Culton climbs onto his chair so that he can be seen by everyone, "My Lords I thank you for gathering here at such short notice. I realise that the venue is not our usual location for discussing important business but unfortunately the need for secrecy on this occasion meant we could not meet in the Lords Chamber. You have all been asked here because I believe you all to be trustworthy and true loyalists to our country. I know that you will have many questions but I ask you please to listen to what Princess Elisa has to say."

During Lord Culton's introductory speech Sam has reached for my hand and given it a reassuring squeeze, reminding me to have confidence, or atleast to portray confidence even if I don't really feel it, so as Lord Culton gives me a nod to speak I take a deep breath and climb onto the small end table next to me.

"Thank you Lord Culton and thank you Lords for your time. You were all present in the Lords Chamber when I attempted to warn my father of the threat from Karhaner. As I told you then I have personally bared witness to what is happening in Otraf and heard the plans of invasion from General Srumthro himself. This is not an uncorroborated rumour or hearsay, these are exact words that I heard from him myself. Every able bodied man in Karhaner was being drafted into the army and I saw workshops and blacksmiths all over the city preparing weapons. I do not believe they were far off from being ready to march when I was there but with my escape and the knowledge that I will have returned to Aleti to warn everyone I think we can assume General Srumthro will quickly move his plans forward to give us less time to prepare. Everything is a matter of urgency now. The Carrard garrison is already under orders to prepare to march north tomorrow but we need more men. I ask all the northern Lords to immediately send word to your own soldiers to make their way to Leforth as fast as they are able."

At this statement rapid mumbling instantly breaks out as the Lords react to my plea and several questions are shouted to me from different directions.

"We are expected to just send all our men to Leforth and leave our own provinces unguarded."

"How can we have heard nothing about this gathering army before now?"

"What about the southern lords, are they not expected to contribute?"

"Why are we meeting here and not with the King and Lord Fagan?"

I was hoping to avoid the topic of my Lord Fagan and my father's scepticism but realise it is unavoidable.

I raise my hand for silence. "My father and Lord Fagan are not here because I cannot trust them. They do not believe the threat to be real and as such do not intend to act in any way. To follow their plan, or lack of plan, would be a devastating mistake from which our country cannot recover. It is, simply put, not an option. That is why they are not here and why..."

I try to continue but the grumblings have once again risen as the Lords realise that I am asking them to act against their King. Trying not to get annoyed at the interruptions I attempt to answer their questions whilst pushing forward the notion of marching troops to Leforth.

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