Part 3

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Sunlight streams through an opening in the curtains temporarily blinding me as I open my eyes. Rolling over with a groan, I try to go back to sleep. I don't know what time it is but it definitely feels too early to be getting up. But as I roll over the bed suddenly disappears from beneath me and I fall onto a hard wooden floor with a thump. Realisation comes rushing back to me as I sit up and look around the cramped caravan. The events of last night had seemed like an extremely vivid dream but here was reality staring back at me from my position on the cold hard floor. Crap, my father was going to kill me. The caravan is empty and sounds from outside indicate that the travelling troop who had been my hosts last night were all already up and working. Glancing back towards the narrow bunk which had been my bed I sigh with relief when I see my cloak still bundled where it had been, with my tiara safely secured inside. There had been some raised eyebrows last night when I had removed my cloak to reveal my silk dress underneath. I could only imagine the reaction had they caught sight of my tiara.

Wrapping my cloak around me once more and ensuring that my tiara was well hidden I open the caravan door and slip out into the bright sunshine. It is clearly much later in the morning than I had originally thought. Sam, the boy who had first caught my attention in the square yesterday, is working with Luis, who I have discovered is Risa's husband, replacing some broken planks at the front of the stage. That must have been the banging I'd heard from inside the caravan. Pepe, the leader of the group, appears to be counting the takings from yesterday's show, whilst the two other men of the group Dav and Kinken, are nowhere to be seen. Risa, who had been so kind to me the night before, is making repairs to one of the costumes but she puts her work down as soon as she spots me and comes over with a smile on her face. "Good morning!"

"Good morning" I respond, automatically smiling back, "Sorry I overslept, I didn't realise how late it was."

"Nonsense, it's not that late, we're just all early risers, there's always stuff for us to do in between shows."

"Well I just wanted to say thank you again for last night."

"Oh you're welcome, anytime honey. To be honest it was lovely to have another girl around the table, I've lived with 5 boys for so long I'd forgotten what it was like" she laughs pulling me in for an unexpected hug. "I hope I'll see you again before we leave at the end of the week. Don't forget we're performing every night and there's always space at the table if you want to join us for dinner afterwards."

"Thank you, I'm not sure if that will be possible but I'll try. I can't tell you how nice last night was."

Giving Risa one last hug I turn and call goodbye to the other travellers who all briefly wave but then continue with their work. Unsure what else to do, I turn and walk away. As I reach the edge of the square I glance back to see Sam stood watching me, although as soon as he realises that I've seen him he quickly turns back to Luis. Watching the travellers get on with their work a deep sense of regret that I can't explain washes over me. Part of me wants to go back to them. To pick up a hammer and help Sam and Luis, or a needle to help Risa, not that I know how to do either of those things but the thought feels right. But that is not reality. As nice as last night had been it was not my life, and like it or not, it is time to go back and face my father.

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