Part 23

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Walking up and down the caravan in agitation I plead with the Gallavanties, "We have to go back. We have to do something. They're about to invade my country. We need to warn them."

Pepe shakes his head, "What can we do? No-one of any importance is gonna listen to us."

I barely pause in my pacing, already planning ahead exactly what we need to do, "We need to get to Carrard, as fast as we can, and tell my father what we know. We warn the people in Leforth on the way and send word to the soldiers who have already travelled to Albeck. We need to call them back to Leforth immediately. If we go to Lord Francis, he can start the defense preparations while we continue our journey. If we reach my father in time then reinforcements from Carrard shouldn't take too long to organise. If Leforth's walls can just last until then. And the alliance we've just signed with Navas, if my father sends word they'll have to help. With their army and ours we should be able to do it."

Luis interrupts my frantic planning, "Cara who exactly is your father in the castle that he's gonna be able to just order all of that? Surely we need to somehow get to the king?"

"My father is the king" I say without thinking through the impact of my words, still pacing and mentally calculating distances and travel times in my mind.

Risa waves her hand and pulls me to a stop, "The King is your father?"

Sam stares at me in shock, "Wait you're a princess."

Luis is also looking at me in total surprise, "Not a princess, the princess."

I look around at the Gallavanties who are watching me with wide eyes, like they don't know who I am. In a quiet voice I admit it all, "Yes. I'm the Princess." When no one makes a sound I try to explain. "My full name is Princess Elisa Cara Paisley Regal. I'm sorry I lied to you. I didn't mean to deceive you. I thought you would treat me differently if you knew who I was. And I'm not even that person any more, I'm Cara. I'm still just Cara. Only knowing that Aleti is in danger. We can't ignore what we know. Please we have to go back and warn them. If we don't, thousands could die and the whole country be destroyed. Please, I'm so sorry I lied, but please help me."

There's a bang from outside which all makes us jump and for a moment a stunned silence is all that fills the caravan. I try to catch Sam's eye but he won't look at me.

Pepe is the one to finally break the silence, "I don't like liars Cara. We're supposed to be family and that's a pretty big thing to hide."

"I know."

"But I kinda get it. And regardless of your secret, you're right. A war is about to start and innocent people are gonna get hurt. If we can do something to prevent it we should. We'll leave for Aleti first thing in the morning. We'll get ya back to Carrard and then the rest is down to you. Ain't gonna pretend I'm not still angry at ya though kid, but family sticks together even when one of us makes a mistake."

I let out a breath I didn't realise I'd been holding, "Thank you". But just as I start to relax Sam looks up, "So we're just gonna help her even though she's been stringing us all along with a pack of lies for weeks."

"Sam..." Risa starts to say.

"No," he says, pushing past me to get to the caravan door. "If you wanna help her then that's your choice but I ain't sticking around to be mugged over again." The most awkward silence descends as Sam looks at the Gallavanties and I look at Sam. The anger rolling off Sam's taut shoulders is palpable. When no one answers he shakes his head and glares at us all, "So much for trust and family loyalty." He flings open the door with a crash and storms out of the caravan.

"Sam please" I call after him as he walks away. Not knowing what else to do I chase him up the street, grabbing hold of his arm "I'm sorry. Please, don't leave, just come back with us. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

"Get off me. I don't even know who you bloody are. You lied to me. Right from the beginning ya lied to me. Maybe I could've forgiven ya at first but what about the last few weeks. Have they meant nothing? I thought we was close, I've told you stuff about me I've never told anyone and you ain't even told me your real name." He shakes his head, "Go back to the caravan. I don't wanna see you right now, I don't wanna talk. I just... I can't believe I thought... I thought you and me... I need to go." Ripping his arm out of my grip he turns and storms away.

Falling to my knees with tears flowing down my face I try to call after him again but know it's no use. He's gone. I stay like that for I don't know how long but eventually I know that I have to get up. I have to get back to the Gallavanties. We have to leave for Aleti and warn them of the upcoming attack. I may have just lost the most important person in my life but thousands of my countrymen will likely die if I don't pull myself together. Standing slowly on shaky legs I take one last look down the empty street where Sam disappeared, wiping my eyes, I whisper a goodbye, then turn back to where I need to go.

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