Part 33

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Watching from above our cavalry of men seems pathetically small compared to Karhaner's and I know without a doubt that they are charging into a slaughter house just to try and buy us some more time. I can't help but wince as the two armies collide and I have to look away. I glance at Lord Francis who has appeared beside me. "I think it's time" I murmur, "We need to evacuate the city, send everyone we can south." Lord Francis nods slowly, not taking his eyes off the battle charge below. I turn in search of Sam and Dav but I've not seen either of them since I left my position to deal with the wall breach. I ask Lord Francis if he's seen them and he turns to me so abruptly it makes me jump, a wave of surprise washes over his face before he slowly speaks, "I thought you knew, they all went together, except for the woman, Risa?"

I stare at him uncomprehendingly for a moment, "Went where together?"

He opens his mouth to speak but clearly doesn't know what to say. Then he quietly turns back to the battle scene. For a moment I still don't get it, until my gaze follows his and realisation dawns. "NO" I scream as I race closer to the wall leaning out over the side to look down at the chaos below. It's impossible to distinguish anything from up here but I can't stop my eyes from frantically searching the mass of bodies for a glimpse of them, any of them. How could they do that? How could they send themselves out into certain death?

Our tiny army has nearly reached the northern gate and the swing battering ram but they are now surrounded on all sides. Most seem to have fallen from their horses and are now fighting on the ground. They form a tight circle with their shields creating a barrier. A tiny fly caught in a huge spider's web. Leforth soldiers on the wall try to support their trapped comrades by raining endless arrows down onto the surrounding enemy. But still more of our men fall and the circle gets smaller as they draw back to fill the gaps in the shield wall. Suddenly I'm sure that I spot Dav, in the centre of the circle, shouting orders. "What do we do? What do we do?" I say to no one in particular as sheer panic descends watching the horror unfold, and I start to hyperventilate knowing there is nothing I can do. My entire family are down there and there is nothing I can do.

As I struggle to breath and my vision starts to blur, clutching the top of the wall in an attempt to stay upright, I hear the sound of a horn blast somehow echoing clear and loud across the battlefield. Whipping my head to the right where the sound originated I try to recall what it means. It's not the same horn as before and it's not the bells which mean evacuate. Is it a different signal? I look to Lord Francis but he is also staring east in confusion. Then I hear the beginnings of a cheer. It comes from the east and travels like a wave. At first I think it's the Karhaners cheering victory, that they've broken through somehow. But then I realise the euphoric whoops are travelling along the top of the wall. It's Aleti soldiers. They're shouting and waving swords and bows in the air but I still don't know why. The battle below seems to have halted at the jubilant sounds pouring down from the wall. As one the mass turns towards the east. And then the Karhaner soldiers are abandoning their attack on the Leforth circle and quickly taking up defensive positions. Leaning out of the wall as far as I can I stare along the wall, trying to see what those in the east have clearly already seen. And then they emerge. On horseback with bows in hand. Travelling faster than looks possible. The Reladians. In fierce combat attire, with painted faces and black horses frothing at the mouth. They are a terrifying sight. Rising as one on their horses, notching their arrows, they fire with eerie precision. Their range and skills so much greater than ours mean Karhaners start dropping when the Relads are still more than 100 metres away. I stare in wonder at the devastating affect the Relads are having on the enemy. Within seconds it is clear the tide has turned. I could cry with joy. And all I keep thinking is, They came. She came. The queen came. A sob of relief escaping my lips and I have to press a shaking hand over my mouth to prevent more from escaping.

With the Relads cutting through the Karhaners like a hot knife through butter, the small circle of Aleti soldiers are able to make it to the Northern Gate. The Karhaners have abandoned their battering ram and are fleeing in the face of our new allies. Racing back towards their own camp. I've no idea where General Srumthro is but it is clear that his army is retreating. Broken and defeated, they are retreating. Somehow, miraculously, we've done it. We've driven them back. The city was never breached. We've won. Unable to contain myself any longer a hoarse laugh escapes me. Turning to Lord Francis I pull him into a hug and start spinning around, still laughing uncontrollable.

Lord Francis still seems somewhat stunned, "What happened?" he asks.

"They came. The Reladians came." I beam at him, "Our allies, our new, wonderful, brilliant allies."

Grinning at him again I turn and run back down the inner wall steps and race to the northern gates which are already being pulled open to allow our men back in. But elation at victory quickly goes at the sight of injured men being carried through the entrance. The reality of the cost of the battle hits.

Frozen to the spot I scan the faces of the men as they pour through the gate. I should've known they would be amongst the last through. It's Sam I spot first. There's blood covering half his face but he's walking unaided. Before he even realises I'm there I've launched myself into his arms. For a moment we just hold each other tightly, both grateful to have found the other again. But as I squeeze Sam I look up over his shoulder and my stomach drops. Pepe and Dav are both staggering through the open gate carrying unmoving bodies. Luis and Kinken. 

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