Part 35

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We stay in Leforth for another 3 weeks, ensuring the city walls and gates are all fully repaired, and that reports of the Karhaner army's total retreat are fully confirmed. Sources from within Otraf seem to indicate that there may well be a rebellion against General Srumthro brewing. I certainly hope those rumours are true. Alliance meetings take place with Queen Kella and although both my father and Lord Fagan are at the negotiations, it is I who leads on it all. Though there are no words to express my gratitude towards Queen Kella and the Reladians for the leap of faith they took in coming to our aid, I am determined to make good on my promise and form a long lasting bond between our nations, based on mutual prosperity, and I think the true respect and friendship that Queen Kella and I are developing reflects that with which our countries will follow.

Leaving behind half of the Carrard garrison to continue to help with the rebuilding of the city and ensure that the newly repaired walls remain well guarded, we return to Carrard. Luis is now fully recovered and him and Risa appear in a constant state of happiness as they look forward to their future. Kinken is adapting well to his new crutches though I still haven't yet got used to the sight of him with his missing leg.

Our return into the city is greeted with overwhelming crowds of cheering people, waving flags and throwing flowers, as we ride past. It annoys me that my father and Lord Fagan lead the way and wave at the people as though accepting their thanks, when they did nothing to earn it, but there's no doubt that the screams get louder when the Gallavanties and I follow, and I can clearly hear my name being called from all directions. Perhaps if I have earnt some semblance of trust or respect from the city folk they will accept me in my efforts to undo the damage done in the last few years by Lord Fagan. After the deafening welcome and so many months away it seems unbelievably strange to find myself sitting at my old dining table in my old room with the Gallavanties, Molly and Scott. Laughing and joking as we casually eat our supper, with Sam's arm resting on the back of my chair, absentmindedly twirling a piece of my hair, I want to capture and hold on to this memory forever. But then my moment of bliss shatters as I overhear the conversation between Pepe, Dav and Kinken.

"I say stick with the route we were on, east to Albeck and then on to Cobback."

"Ah but I fancy some sun, why not head south to Esland and Toria and then we can loop back up to Cobback later in the year."

"If we head south first we'll be in Andrent for turtle hatching season. I always love watching these tiny little things scrabbling to make their way into the sea."

"And it'll be the right time for dolphins too."

"Wow, dolphins. I've never seen dolphins" Molly pipes up.

"Oh you have to see them one day, gorgeous things, never fail to put on a show, leaping out the water, they come right up to the boats too."

"Molly, Scott, have you guys ever thought of travelling?" Risa asks across the table.

"Oh yeah, I've always wanted to travel" Scott answers, "See the world."

Molly seems a bit more thoughtful with her reply, "To be honest the idea of even leaving Carrard would have seemed mad to me a few months ago, but after hearing everything Cara has seen and done, maybe an adventure would be exciting."

At Molly's response Risa gives Luis a little smile and wink but then the conversation moves on, and whilst everyone else still seems to be having a good time I can't shift the heavy feeling that has come over me, like a stone in my stomach.

Lieing in bed that night I can't sleep.

"What's wrong?" Sam murmurs beside me, clearly sensing my agitation.

Unable to hold my thoughts inside my head any longer, the most important question bursts out of me, "What are you going to do now?"

He rolls over so that we are facing each other, "What do you mean?"

"I heard Pepe and Dav and Kinken at dinner, they were talking about travel plans. Getting on the road again, where to take the show next." I pause but there's no response from Sam so after a moment's hesitation I just ask, "Are you leaving? Are you going with them?"

I hold my breath as I wait for his answer. With a small smile he gently strokes his hand along my cheek, "Haven't I already told you that I'm not leaving you again? Didn't I promise? I'm not going anywhere, not without you."

I sigh with relief and lean forward to give him a gentle kiss, "Everyone else will leave though won't they." I mutter glumly.

"It's what they do Cara, it's who they are. They'll be back though."

"It won't be the same."

"No it won't be but maybe that's a good thing. Sometimes change is ok. We've got a lot of changes to make here after all."

"We?" I ask with a smile.

"Yes, we. Always we from now on." He murmurs, "Now stop stressing and go to sleep."

I laugh and snuggle closer, knowing that everything will be ok so long as Sam is by my side.

And so two weeks later it's with a heavy heart that I stand at the castle gate, waving goodbye as the Gallavanties caravans disappear down the road before me. Sam stands on my left waving madly as well but the thing that has truly made me able to cope with the departure of half of my family are the couple standing to my right. Risa and Luis decided to stay too, wanting to set down roots and a permanent home for their baby. I couldn't have been happier and have already insisted they take the palace apartment right next door to my room. Whether they will stay there or eventually find their own place I don't know but knowing they're staying in the city fills me with joy. Keeping Risa and Luis did mean saying goodbye to another set of friends though. When the Gallavanties realised they needed more recruits, Molly and Scott decided to answer the call, and although I'll miss them I know that they're going to love life on the road.

As the caravans finally drift out of sight, I can't help but look around at my surroundings and think back. "This is where it all started" I murmur, "These are the gates that I stood outside of all those months ago before I met you, before I first decided to run away and explore the city."

Sam grins, "Best decision you ever made."

My answering smile adds a twinkle to his eye, "Yes, yes I believe it was."

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