Part 28

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It's when we're entering the foothills of the mountains that Sam leans over to me and whispers, "Don't look up. We're being watched." Of course instinctively all I want to do is look up now and it takes all my focus to keep my attention on the road ahead. "Where?" I whisper.

"Everywhere" is his answer. Trying to look as though I'm merely stretching my neck I glance up as casually as I can and catch a glimpse. I see at least four of them. Just their outlines in the shadows. Standing on a ridge high up to our left, their bows in hand though not thankfully nocked with arrows. At least they're not attacking us for entering the mountains. Yet. I can't help but think.

We continue on the road for a few more minutes. I can feel their eyes still on us but they make no move. Suddenly Pepe pulls his cart to a halt in front of us. He gets down from the driving seat and leaning forwards I see why. Standing across the road are five Reladians. They stand like an arrowhead, the woman stood at the point clearly the designated leader. Whilst their bows are strung casually across their back they don't reach for them as Pepe approaches. Looking up again I see that they don't need to. There are at least twenty more Relads visible in the mountains on either side of the pass. Bows drawn, arrows notched, waiting. Heart pounding I watch as Pepe stops in front of the female leader. Will they hear us out? Or shoot us all for entering their land?

It's impossible to hear what Pepe and the Reladian warrior are saying but at one point I clearly see Pepe gesturing at me. The conversation continues and eventually an agreement is obviously reached because the woman nods and Pepe starts to return to his caravan. "We've been granted an audience with the Queen" is all he says before climbing back into his seat and urging Storm on. We follow the Reladians in single file through the mountain range for over an hour before reaching a wider opening where the bowmen indicate that we should stop. With a wave of their hands they signal for us to come down from the caravans. When we've all gathered together, the female leader seems to never take her eyes off of me, she nods and says, "The horses will be cared for. Come." Then she begins to climb the side of the mountain. I glance at Pepe for reassurance but he just starts to follow and so I follow him. Clambering up the steep rocky face I'm out of breath within a few minutes and have cuts on my hands from where I slip and catch the sharp edges of the rocks. Sam tries to help where he can but the land is so slippy and treacherous he really needs to concentrate himself. And still we climb. The Reladians who are leading the way never stop to look back as they negotiate the terrain with ease, although I suppose they do live here and are used to it. After twenty minutes of climbing I have a stitch in my side so painful I'm convinced I can't carry on. Just as I'm moments away from collapsing with exhaustion we finally emerge onto a flat platform which appears to have been cut into the mountainside.

I fall to my knees and take in several deep breaths whilst massaging my aching ribs. The Reladians wait for all of the Gallavanties to make it up onto the platform before gesturing as though to continue. Sam takes my hand and pulls me to my feet, and it's then that I notice the opening in the mountain. A gaping black hole has been carved in the rock. Without hesitation the warriors enter the darkness and we've no choice but to follow. The cold blackness swallows us within our first few steps and I cling on to Sam's hand even tighter as we keep moving. Unable to see even an inch in front of my face I edge forwards slowly. Just as I'm starting to think that the Relads have led us into some sort of trap I'm blinded by the brightness of a dozen lanterns suddenly roaring into life. As my eyes adjust I see that myself and the other Gallavanties are in the centre of a circle of burning torches. Beyond the circle of light stand the famous Relad arrowmen. Hundreds of them. Men, women and children, all armed with a bow in their hands. And right in front of us sits their Queen. Sat in a throne made of rock she listens intently as the female warrior who led us here whispers in her ear.

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