Part 15

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Slowly I climb to my feet. My only thought escape. I can't stay here. Remembering the impassive look in the guard's eyes I know that there is no help there and no way out through the door. That only leaves the windows. Gingerly holding my arm across my throbbing ribs I walk out onto the balcony to assess my options. I have a large stone balcony which runs the entire length of my room. It's also incredibly high up. There's no way down. But maybe I don't need to go down. 

Looking across I can see the balcony for the next room about 10 metres away. If I can get across to that balcony then I can escape through the guest room, which I know is not in use at the moment. All the Lords are either being housed in the north wing or in the city. There's a small ledge that runs between the two balconies. It doesn't look that far. But then I look down at the sheer drop which awaits me should I slip. Suddenly it seems a lot further. I cast my gaze around again but I really can't find an alternative way out. I think about the guard again. Is there a way past him? But I know that he won't be alone and from the way he snapped to attention for Lord Fagan I can only assume that other guards will do the same. My choice is simple, I sit in my room and wait for either Joseph or Lord Fagan to return, or I get out of here. I don't want to sit and do nothing. Giving up feels like letting Lord Fagan win and I'm not about to let that happen.

I look at the gap between the balconies again. I could make it, I reason. I will make it. Glancing back at the locked door I climb up onto the balcony wall. Ignoring the pain in my side I swing my legs over and reach to get one foot on the ledge. Pausing, deep breath, there's nothing else for it. With a quick push I manage to get both feet onto the ledge and press myself into the wall. Trying desperately not to think about how high up I am, I begin to edge my way along. Inch by inch I make slow progress. The ledge is much narrower than I had first thought. I hardly dare to breathe for fear the movement will make me fall. Twice I almost lose my footing before I finally reach the other balcony. With both sweat and blood dripping down my face I grab onto the stone rail and haul myself over, collapsing onto the floor with relief.

The pain in my side has worsened and every breath is a struggle. Pulling myself up on shaky legs I stumble towards the balcony doors. I grab the handles and pull but nothing happens. Locked. I almost break down in tears of despair but I know I need to keep it together. I wasn't giving up now. Without thought I smash my elbow into the glass pane, shattering it. A sharp sting and more blood tells me I've cut myself but I don't stop to check. Reaching through the now broken pane I'm able to unlock the door and get into the empty room.

Knowing the royal guards are all under Lord Fagan's command has me on edge as soon as I step from the room into the corridor. If any of them spot me then I'm done for. I manage to make it from one side of the left wing to the other, and down two flights of stairs without much difficulty. I've almost reached the ballroom without encountering anyone when I hear voices approaching. I dodge into an open doorway just in time to avoid Lord Fagan and my father. As they pass my hiding place I catch a snippet of their conversation.

"Sixteen year olds often go through a rebellious stage. I think some time alone will do her good. Her behaviour shouldn't be rewarded with trips abroad."

"As you suggest Lord Fagan, whatever you think is best."

"I'm sure by the time you return from your visit to Mata she will be much improved."

As they move further down the hallway I fail to hear my father's reply but I've heard enough. There's no doubt they were discussing me and it appears that Lord Fagan has explained my future absence from the tour to Navas easily enough, my father accepting whatever he says. Knowing this reinforces my decision to escape and I swiftly move on. Finally reaching the lower level, normally reserved for servants, I make my way to the kitchens. Moving as quietly as I can I sneak past the open doorway.

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