Part 14

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A knock at the door interrupts my pacing and Diane enters with Johnathon and Crella. She bustles over without saying a word, clearly still angry about my trip to the city this morning. Crella and Johnathon begin sifting through a selection of dresses which have been brought up and discussing hair styles. Diane comes and stands beside me without making eye contact. I think she might be waiting for me to say something but if she wants an apology she is not going to get one. Both of us stand watching the dress selection process letting the tension between us build. At the exact moment Diane turns to me and opens her mouth to speak Molly enters the room. Instantly I race over to her. "Molly, excellent I err need your help with something" I say as I practically drag her into my bedroom and shut the door. "Sorry, just needed to get away from Diane."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes, well, I mean yes it is. It's just that I'm meeting with my father later and I'm going to talk to him about what's happening in the city, the curfew and the guard's brutality, and I'm just panicking that I'm going to mess it up. What should I say?"

"Oh Cara," Molly says, pulling me in for a hug. "You won't mess it up. Just the fact that you're trying is everything. Just speak from your heart."

Taking a deep breath I give Molly a small smile, "Thank you. I just feel this weight on my shoulders, like the fate of the entire city and country depends on me."

Molly shakes her head, "You'll do what you can, but it's not up to you to save the whole world."

"Oh" I suddenly remember, "Can you do something for me? I know I'm always asking for favours but this is the last time I promise." I rush to my trunk and dig to the bottom to find my purse. Pulling out a silk green coin bag filled with golden haltos I press it into Molly's hand. "On your way home tonight can you take this to the Rivellis."

"The Rivellis?"

"They're the family who own the fruit stall in the west square where the Gallavanties are."

"I know them," Molly nods.

"Great. Don't say who it's from, just tell them it's a gift."


"Thank you, you're the best," I say, hugging her just as the door opens and Diane enters. We spring apart but Diane clearly saw as she stares at us in surprise and horror.

Molly curtseys and squeezes past her to exit the room as quickly as she can.

Diane returns her gaze to me, "Care to explain? First walks in the city and now hugging the servants."

"I don't have to explain anything to you" I say brushing past her. Crella and Johnathon are both stood waiting and ready to prepare me for the dinner with the ambassador and my father. Once again I'm styled up and dressed in another elaborate gown. Although the dinner is not the all out extravagance of yesterday's banquet, my father's private dining parlour has still been lavishly decorated. I enter the room just moments before Lord Fagan and Ambassador Dorn who are deep in whispered conversation, though they stop when they see me.

"Princess Elisa," the ambassador comes over and sweeps into a low bow whilst also taking and kissing my hand, "you are a vision of beauty."

"Thank you" I murmur, feeling slightly creeped out.

But then my father enters the room and the ambassador releases his hold on my hand to greet him. We take our seats and dinner is just about to be served when Joseph rushes in.

"A thousand apologies, your majesty, ambassador." He says bowing and out of breath. Lord Fagan stares daggers at his son as he takes his seat and Joseph sheepishly avoids his gaze. Instead he turns back to the king and ambassador and starts a conversation with them about the upcoming journey to Mata, the capital of Navas, where my father and King James of Navas will sign the agreed treaty. We are all supposed to leave the day after tomorrow.

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