Part 21

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When we reach Leforth the evidence of soldier departures is even more pronounced. As we enter through the city's western gate the courtyard to our left is filled with groups of armed men clearly preparing to move out. I stare at them as we pass, unable to shake the sense of foreboding that creeps over me. Why are all the guards leaving? Is something happening in Albeck? After we reach our base location in one of the larger northern market squares and set up camp I head over to Dav to ask him for a favour. After years of travelling Dav has friends in every city and I'm wondering if he knows anyone who might be able to shed some light on what's happening with the Leforth soldiers. I can't get rid of this nagging feeling and need to find out what's going on. At first he's pretty sceptical about why this is something I need to know but eventually agrees to help and sends a note to arrange a meeting with a friend who works in the Leforth garrison.

That night is my theatrical debut and although I'm nervous as anything I somehow manage to get through the show without any mistakes. My role only appears in a couple of scenes as a Princess who is captured by the pirates and then rescued by Sam's character, so it's not exactly a character stretch for me but still, I remember all my lines and actions, and the indescribable buzz I feel when taking my final bows is electric. Afterwards I can't stop jumping about backstage, filled with adrenaline as I am. I can now totally understand why the Gallavanties love performing so much and can't wait to get back out there. The others all act as though I've accomplished some great feat with their congratulations and hugs. Sam even presents me with flowers which he must have bought in secret. With all the excitement I almost forget about my earlier request but then Dav tells me that he's had a reply and a meeting is set up for the following day.

The next morning Sam wants to accompany us to the pub where we are meeting Dav's friend Gini but Kinken insists that he needs his help reshoeing the horses so it's just Dav and I who set off. As we enter the public house, which is surprisingly busy for a midweek lunchtime, a tall skinny man with long ginger hair tied back in a ponytail immediately pulls Dav into a bear hug. When Dav introduces me Gini sweeps into a low elegant bow and kisses my hand which has me giggling because it's so out of place. Gini gives me a wink and then insists on buying the drinks while we settle into our chairs. When he joins us again Dav gets straight to the point. "Cara here's got some questions for ya." He gives me a nod and so I lean forward and start to question Gini quietly. I don't know why I feel the need to keep my voice down but it feels necessary.

"It's about the soldiers. We've seen they're leaving Leforth and heading for Albeck, or so we were told. Do you know why? Is something going on with Cobback?"

Gini shakes his head and leans forward, lowering his voice in the same way that I did. "That's just it. No-one knows. I've asked around and as far as I can tell no-one has heard anything about trouble between us and Cobback. We've been allies for years and there's tons of trades people who go back and forward to Albeck and Cobback all the time, and they know nothing. It's strange that troops are suddenly being sent there, and not in small numbers either. Three quarters of the Leforth garrison are set to move to Albeck by the end of the month."

"But why?" I ask again but Gini just shrugs his shoulders. "Dunno, that's everything I know I'm afraid kiddo. Worrying though. Leaves us pretty short for defenses up here and I wouldn't be trusting what I'm hearing from Karhaner."

"What do you mean? What's happening with Karhaner?"

"Nothing really. Kinda the point. Ever since that coup of there's years ago, trade has gone down hill between us and them. Got a fair few refugees telling horror stories of tha' general of there's, came 'ere escaping it, but not many people crossing the border nowadays and just recently, last few months, it's been even quieter than normal, which is saying something mind. Can't put me finger on it exactly but I don't like not hearing anything. Used to have friends in Karhaner who I ain't heard nothing from of late. Silence is worrying in my book. But maybe the higher ups know more than me given they're sending our troops in the opposite direction. You'll be travelling into Karhaner when you're done here won't ya?"

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