Chapter 20: The Accident

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Kendall's P.O.V:


"Kendall? Its Danny.." He had a worried tone making me even more nervous then before.

"What is wrong?"

"Its Matt. He is in the hospital..."

Oh my god. "WHAT!? WHY?"

"He was driving to his parents house when his car slipped on the ice and hit a tree. He is at Wellington Hospital." I couldn't speak I just started to cry.

"Kendall, its going to be okay..." He said, I just shook my head and hung up the phone. I ran down the stairs and tried to find my keys.

"Kendall what's wrong?"

"Kendall are you okay?"

People started to surround me and ask questions.

"Guys give her some space!' I turned to my left to see my old friend Jesse push his way though the crowd. He put his arm around me and steered me away from the crowd towards a chair. I sat down and looked up at him. He looked so different.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on?" He asked

"My friend has been in a car accident and I don't know what condition he is in and I'm scared.." I sniffed back tears. "I need to go and find my keys now!" I said as I tried to get up. He put me back down.

"I'm not letting you drive there like this. I will drive you c'mon." He took my hand and we walked towards the door. I explained the situation to my family before leaving. I got into Jesse's car and we started driving. I would imagine some back story is needed here. Long story short. Jesse was Sebastian's best friend in high school who ended up being one of my best friends and I sort of a had a crush on him. But I never told anyone and we had sex like once during the last year of high school and then it was awkward between us and we stopped talking until now. That covers it.

"So who is this friend of yours? Boyfriend? Girlfriend?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed.

"Ex boyfriend."

"Aaaah I see well I hope he is okay." He said sincerely.

"I hope so too..."

I turned up the radio to listen to the song, "High Highs" by Open Season. (A/N video on the side I suggest you listen to the song) I looked out the window and watched as the snowflakes fell to the ground.

Sebastian's P.O.V:

Isabelle walked in to the kitchen. "Have we heard anything else yet?" She asked. I looked at Danny,

"What do you mean? What is wrong with him?" I asked. Isabelle looked at me with disbelief.

"You're his best friend how do you not know that he is in the hospital? It happened like an hour ago!" She said. I shook my head and pulled my phone out of my pocket to see 5 missed calls and 7 unread messages. I guess I didn't notice since my phone was on silent.

"How did it happen? Why?" Nothing I said made any sense I was just in shock.

"He was in a car accident. His car hit a tree. That's all we have heard.." Danny said.

"Does Kendall know?" I asked anxiously. Oh god she was going to be a mess.

"Yeah I just told her but she kind of hung up on me." Danny said.

"I will call her again she might talk to me."

I walked to the couch in the living room and sat down as I dialed her number. I waited but she never answered it just went straight to her answering machine "Hi its Kendall I'm probably home, I'm just avoiding someone I don't like. Leave me a message and if I don't reply that person is probably you...BEEP." The message was funny the first time but after the fourth call it was really annoying.

I threw my phone at the other couch and put my face into my hands. It was kind of hard to believe that just last night Matt was sitting right next to me and now he is in a hospital.

"Hey Sebastian we are going to the hospital c'mon." I heard Danny say from the kitchen. I got up and walked out with them to the elevator. We all just stood there in silence as the elevator carried us down to parking lot. We split into two cars I took Danny and the girls went with Casey.

"Where did this come from?" Danny asked looking at the car.

"Its my dad's. My car died so I borrowed his camaro." I replied.

"Awesome, can I drive?" He asked

I threw the keys to him, "Sure go ahead."

He grabbed them and ran into the drivers side. "Yes!"

I smiled weakly and we started our quiet drive to the hospital.


See if this was a movie I would play that song (High Highs) during this part while switching between Kendall looking out the window and Sebastian looking at his phone (OH wait he doesn't have his phone never mind that). BUT this is not a movie so you will just have to imagine it. Any who thanks for reading vote and comment <3

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