Chapter 1: The Pink Shirt Dilemma

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Before you start you should know that this has a lot of mistakes, it was written on my phone after all. The chapters are pretty short and the plot moves unrealistically fast so just bear that in mind. Not all my other books are like this.

This book is now under major editing some chapters will be joined and lengthened so be for warned.

Trailer to the side -> By @unexposedscars



I lifted my head off my pillow just as my bedroom door swung open wiht a loud bang. I squinted my eyes to see who was standing in my doorway.

"What do you want Sebastian?" I grumbled. He stomped over to my window and ripped open the curtains.

"It burns!" I yelped trying to cover my eyes.

"Look at this!" Sebastian exclaimed, holding up a pink shirt.

"Wow, a pink shirt," I replied unamused.

He glared at me. "Yes a pink shirt! You turned my shirt pink!" He growled throwing the shirt at my face. I laughed in response, I had started to do laundry the other day and let's just say, it didn't go too well.

"Well maybe you should do your own laundry!" I retorted. He groaned and stormed out of the room.

"Good morning to you too!" I yelled to him.

"Good morning!" He yelled back.

I smiled to myself. Sebastian and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. He never stays mad for long. I looked at my clock, it read 9:30.

I sighed, crawled out of bed and headed for the kitchen. Passing by the couch I looked down to see someone asleep on it. I also live with three of Sebastian's friends: Danny, Casey and Matt. It was no surprise that Danny was on the couch. All that boy does is party, sleep and eat. I picked up a pillow and threw it at his head.

"Heey!" He groaned as he lifted up his head. I smiled at him and walked to the fridge.

"Well that wasn't very nice." Said Casey who was studying for something go knows what.

Casey's a year younger than everyone, but he was the smartest and he he totally looked the part. He had black glasses, he always had his dirty blond hair styled to perfection and he would get super mad if anyone touched it. He was like the baby brother I never had.

"Someone had to wake him up" I replied as I ruffled his hair.

"Kendall". He whined slapping my fingers away. I laughed and made my way to the fridge. As I looked through it I felt someone hug me from behind.

"Morning love". I turned around to see Matt's smiling face. He kissed my forehead.

"Morning" I replied lightly kissing his lips. He deepened it and a few moments later I heard Sebastian's voice echo from the living room.

"Get a room!".

We pulled apart, "Gladly," Matt said back to him. Matt and I are dating, for clarification.

Casey rolled his eyes, " I can't get any work done with you guys around!" He picked up his books and walked off to his room. I laughed and closed the fridge.

"I'm going to take a shower," I announced before kissing Matt's cheek. Walking towards the bathroomI felt Sebastian's glare burning through me.

"Aww you still mad at me?" I cooed while hugging him.

Awkward. (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now