Chapter 15: Dress Shopping

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l Kendall l

Thank god I have no classes today or tomorrow. Just dress shopping. With Kat. All day. Wow the excitement, not. I'm not really into dress shopping all that much, don't get me wrong I love shopping for like clothes that you will wear more than once. But a dress for a masquerade party I will probably only wear once so why spend all that money? Oh well Kat is probably overly excite so I will not down her mood for the day.

I lifted my head off of Sebastian's chest and kissed his forehead. "Morning." He said in his tired morning voice, which in my opinion is probably the most attractive thing about a guy. I smiled, "Go back to sleep. I will see you later." There was really no point me saying that because he had already passed out, that boy could sleep forever. I crawled out of the bed and then realized my fuzzy bottoms were on the floor and not on me. I walked over and slipped them on before heading into the kitchen.

"What were YOU up to last night, I did notice you weren't in your bed last night."

I blushed. "Well..." She held up her hand.

"You what never mind I don't want to know." I laughed.

"Good choice, so when do you want to start shopping." She smiled, "OH right well we need shoes, a mask and of course a dress. I thinking red how about you?" What colour to wear? Hmmm....

"I'm thinking maybe dark blue, possibly a turquoise." She nodded.

"Good idea. Well we will see what we will find." I smiled. "I'm just going to eat. Then we can go okay?" She nodded.

"Yeah sure."

                                                                                   *  *  *

We first went to a random costume store to find some masks. Kat thought it would be a good idea to base are outfits around the masks. It took some time but we both found one.  Mine is silver and Kat's is black black some silver decorations on it. Next to find THE dress. I had fully decided on dark blue and Kat on red. We went through at least 3 dress shops before something caught Kat's eye. And I don't blame her this thing was gorgeous. It was red, with a heart shaped neckline, that hugged to your body before flaring out at the bottom. Both of our jaws dropped.

"Kat you MUST try it on!" She nodded her head as if in a trance. She walked up to a sales assistant and got her size.

I waited on a couch reading seventeen magazine. I was half way threw when Kat came out in the dress. She bounced onto the pedestal into front of a huge mirror. "What do ya think?" She asked as she spun around to get the full affect of the dress.

"Its perfect Kat! Wait how much is it?" She frowned and looked at the price tag.

"EEEK its my lucky day 50% off! So its $250." Wooh regular $500 wow that is expensive. It probably wouldn't matter to Kat because she is not hurting for money. Back in California her parents are very well know business people and they make a lot of money.

I looked back to Kat who's smile was from ear to ear. "I'll take it!" Well at least one of us had a dress. I hadn't seen anything that I liked so far. Kat and I went to the cash register and paid.

"Don't worry K you will find a dress!" I smiled weakly. Yeah I doubt it.

We walked to another store and looked around. Nothing. Again. A very perky sales assistant came over to us, "Afternoon ladies can I help you with anything?" I shook my head but Kat felt the need to reply.

"Yes actually. My friend here is looking for a dress. Preferably royal blue. You see there is a Snow Ball thing tomorrow and we really need to find one." I lady smiled.

"Oh yes I heard about that Snow Ball isn't like a gala being put on by the owner?" I nodded.

"Yes it is." The lady was still smiling, that must hurt her face.

"Well I have just thing for you come with me." She gestured us to the very back of the store and through a door to the storage room. What would possibly be back here...

"Stay here." Said said then disappeared.

"What is she doing?" I whispered to Kat.

"I don't know? Working her magic." She whispered back. I laughed.

"AHA!" The lady said loudly. I heard her heels click on the floor as she ran over to us.

"Here we are." My eyes widened. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It was royal blue with a heart shaped sequined neckline and the waist was a sort of see through lace like fabric. I tried it on and walked out to a mirror.

"So...what do you think?" I asked.

"Amazing! Wait lets see what it will look like with the mask." Kat said as she handed me my silver mask. I put it on and looked back in the mirror. Wow this dress was perfect. Oh god the price! I held my breath as I pulled the price tag up so I could see it. $150! I breathed out a sigh of relief. I had saved $350 dollars I earned for this whole outfit. And it looked as if I was going to stay on budget. "Okay I will get it." I said happily. The perky sales assistant clapped her hands and smiled.

"Brilliant! I'm so glad I remembered this dress."  I paid for the dress and thanked the sales women before we were off to find shoes. Probably going to be the easiest thing to find.

l Sebastian l

"Yo Casey what are you wearing tomorrow?" I asked as I got into the driver's side of my car. He came into the passengers side, "A tux? I don't know its your parent's gala don't you think you should know!" Oh shit! I was supposed to call my dad today oh well I will do it later.

"Okay smart ass thanks for nothing! I will probably just wear a suit or something. Do you know if Matt or Danny is going?"

He laughed, "No problem. And I think Matty is going for sure but I'm not sure about Danny..."  Danny never misses a party date or not so he will most likely show up.

I have never been to a masquerade party before. But trust me when I say I have gone to my fair share of these things before considering both of my parents are very well known in the business industry. It does have its advantages sometimes, I have met a few famous people actually. But parties all the time does get kind of tiring after a while. But Kendall and everyone are going to be there so I'm actually excited this time. But am I supposed to wear a mask I just don't know?

I pulled into the front of the hotel to be greeted by William as I rolled down my window (one of the workers who opens the door).

"Afternoon Mr. Cole is there something I can help you with?" He asked leaning into the car.

"Afternoon William, you can just call me Sebastian and yes actually there is. Do you know if my dad is at the hotel today?"

He nodded. "Yeah actually he is. Do you want me to let him know your here?" I nodded.

"Yeah could you tell him that I'm going to visit in about..." I looked at the clock, wow it was 4 already. "Ten minutes?"

He smiled, "Of course have a nice day Mr.. I mean Sebastian." I smiled,

"Thank you, see you around." With that I put the window up and drove to the underground parking.

"Mr.Cole?" Casey questioned earning apunch in the arm.

"Yes Casey I am very respected around here." He  tried to hold in his laughter, but he failed, badly.

"Okay whatever you say Mr.Cole."


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