Chapter 28: The Phone Call

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☮ Kendall's P.O.V ☮

I lifted my head off of Sebastian's bare chest. Unlike him I did not get wasted out of my mind.

"Sebastian?" I whispered into his ear.

"Yeah?" He asked breathing out. I cringed his breath smelled like vodka.

"I'm going to get some food do you want anything?"

"Whatever you want to get." He said falling back asleep.

I kissed his forehead and got out of bed. Surprisingly enough I didn't have that bad of a headache, everyone else on the other hand well I'm sure that was a whole different story.


I paid for the donuts and picked up the box.


I turned my head to see who called my name.

"Isabelle?" I asked confused.

She embraced me in a hug.

"Um hi.." I said wondering what the hell just happened.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Good how about you?"

"Great actually. Your party last night was amazing." She smiled. 

She was even there? I didn't see her?

"Thank you it was all Sebastian actually." 

"You are so lucky to have a guy like him." She sighed.

"Yeah I am." I said starting to feel awkward.

"How is Matt." She asked, turning serious.

"He is good... didn't you see him yesterday?" I asked.

"I did but I was too scared to talk to him after the whole hospital incident." She said bitterly.

Oh yeah, I remember that...

"Oh I see, well I got to go come and visit anytime."

"Okay see you around Kendall." She smiled.

I walked out of the shop and to Sebastian's car. I carefully placed the box of donuts on the passengers seat and drove away.

☮ Sebastian's P.O.V ☮

I yawned and stretched out my arms. I would say yesterday was a success. Everything went to plan. I smiled as I climbed out of bed. Then I put a hand to my head which was pounding.

Oh great.

I went into my bathroom and took some pain medication and grabbed a glass of water. I pulled a shirt over my head and walked into the living room. Everyone but Danny, no surprise there, and Matt (who had stayed the night) was up. I looked at Kat who looked like a zombie her black eye makeup was still smudged under her eyes and her hair was in a messy bun at the top of her head.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I joked to her.

She groaned and rolled on to her side, "Shut up." She murmured into the couch pillow.

I walked into the kitchen where Casey was pouring Jesse a cup of tea.

"Morning." Jesse muttered taking a sip of his tea.

"Morning." I replied taking another cup that Casey had poured.

"Where is Kendall?" Casey asked putting his mug down.

"She went to pick up some food."

"Good I'm starving." Jesse groaned lying his head down on the counter top.

"Tough night?" I asked.

"You have no idea."

I turned my head as the door slammed open, to see Kendall holding a box.

"I come bearing food." She said walking over and placing the box down on the counter.

"I heard food." Danny said coming into the room rubbing his eyes.

"Of course you did." Kat said flipping open the top of the box revealing donuts.

"I love you." I said to Kendall.

"I know." She replied kissing my cheek.

Matt pushed through the two of us and grabbed a donut.

"Thanks." He said shoving it into his mouth and taking a seat at the island.

"Matt you would never guess who I saw today?" Kendall said taking a donut out and taking a bite.

"Who?" He asked looking up curiously.

"Yo wex-gurlfriend." She said with a mouthful.


"Your ex-girlfriend, Isabelle." She said after swallowing. He gave her a confused look.

"You probably don't remember her but you were dating her before the accident." Kendall clarified.

"Oh. Is she hot?" He asked directing it to Danny.

"Yeah she is quite attractive, I think she was at the party yesterday." Danny said thinking out loud.

"Oh good." He said taking another donut.

"You make me, feel like I'm living a teenage dream.."

Everyone lifted there heads to the sound of someone's phone going off.

"That's mine someone find it." Kat said desperately.

Everyone started to look everywhere. I went over to the couch and looked under the cushions. 

"Found it!" Danny said waving the ringing phone in the air.

Kat snatched it out of his hand and answered.

"Hello?" She asked and walked out of the room.

"So what's going on today?" Matt asked.

"I'm going back to sleep." Danny said and walked away.

"Well then." Casey said putting his cup in the sink.

"I'm not sure probably just going to hang out." I replied eating another donut.

"Kat what's wrong?" I heard Kendall ask. I turned my head to see tears running down Kat's face.

"That was my mom." She said sitting down on the couch. Casey hurried over and sat next to her.

"What did she want?" He asked soothingly putting his arm around her shoulder.

She turned her head and looked at him, "She wants me to come home."


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