Chapter 32: Breaking Up

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(At this point I would imagine this month is March for clarification)

l Kendall l

I peered through the open doorway into emptiness.

He loves you a lot more then you think...

I squeezed my eyes shut. This was a mistake. I turned around and walked back to the lift.


I froze at the sound of his voice and slowly turned around. He had large dark bags under his eyes and his hair was all disheveled.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked closing the door behind him and walking over to me.

"I-I just came here to uh talk to you." I stuttered. "But it was a mistake I should go." I said pointing behind me towards the awaiting elevator.

"Must you always make things so awkward?" He asked running a hand through his hair.

He held out his arms, "C'mere." I quickly dropped my purse and ran to him. I buried my face into his warm chest.

"I'm sorry Sebastian. I'm so sorry." I sobbed.

"Shh." He said soothingly rubbing my back with his hand. "Don't be sorry." He said kissing my forehead.

"It's just I-I always wanted to go and now I can't stand the though of being away from you and the boys and my family."

"You can visit us during holidays and we can come to you." He explained. "We have a few more months together anyways..."

"It's not going to work is it?" I asked. He knew the real question. Our relationship was not going to work.

"You are still my best friend Kendall." He said brushing hair out of my face.

"I just got friend zoned." I joked wiping the tears off my face.

"It sounds so bad when you say it like that. This is not what I wanted either."

"Well that's what's happening isn't it. Your breaking up with me."

"Kendall it's better to get it done sooner rather then later. It won't hurt as much. You know I'm right." He said, his voice cracking.

"Always the wise one." I joked. He smiled a genuine smile and crashed his lips to mine. I quickly pulled away.

"What the hell?" I yelled pushing him backwards.

He grinned at me, "For old times sake? Then tomorrow we will be friends again?" He offered.

"What did I ever see in you?" I joked pulling him back and kissing his lips.


I covered my face with the pillow, "This is so bad." I groaned.

"You weren't saying that five minutes ago." Sebastian joked. I slapped his chest, hard.

"God you are absolutely disgusting."

"It's never going to happen again it will turn off my charm from now on." He said crossing his heart.

I burst out laughing and started to roll back and forth. I must have miscalculated how far from the bed I was cause I landed with audible crash to the floor.

"Shit K are you alright?" Sebastian asked scrambling off the bed to the floor where is was laying in his oversized t-shirt. I continued to uncontrollably laugh.

"How hard did you fall?" He asked lifting me off the floor and placing me back on the bed.

"Your charm?" I asked holding my stomach.

"Are you serious?" He asked pulling on a pair of long basketball shorts and walking over to me. "I'm a very charming individual." He said sticking his head high into the air proudly.

"In your dreams." I scoffed pushing myself off the bed.

"Nah you take up most of them." He said. I turned my head to him. "Oh god I said that out loud." He exclaimed turned red and putting a hand to his face. I pulled his hand off his face and kissed him.

"Yeah you did. But it was, cute." I grinned.

"You want something to eat?" He asked turning to the closed door.

"Sure what do we have?" I asked, he raised an eyebrow.

"We? I thought you weren't coming back?"

"I live here too asshole." I said nudging him with my shoulder and walking in towards the kitchen.

"Reunited and it feels so good." Jesse sang from the kitchen counter. "Literally I'm guessing from your appearance." He said gesturing to all of me.

"Jesse just stop talking." Sebastian said pulling his shirt and walking past me. "Did you make any food?"

He shook his head and smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow and looked over to Sebastian.

"What?" I asked exasperated throwing my hands into the air.

"K as nice as your ass is I think you should put some shirt or something on...." Jesse laughed.

"Ow." He whined after Sebastian slapped his head.

"Maybe you should...." Sebastian said defensively walking over and hiding me. I looked down and realized I was only wearing his shirt and underwear. I rolled my eyes and turned around. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "But you do have a nice ass." He whispered into my ear.

l Sebastian l

"You probably shouldn't have done that..." Jesse trailed off.

"Done what?" I asked taking a seat on one of the stools.

"You know what." He sighed.  raised an eyebrow still confused at what he was getting at.

 "Do I need to spell it about for you s-e-" I held up my hand to stop him from spelling. "-x." He finished with a grin. I turned red and ran a hand through my hair. "You do realise it will be harder for you when she leaves. As much as you don't want to believe it she is leaving mate."

"I know." I barely whispered.

"Then stop making it harder for your self." He said patting me on the back and walking away. Kendall hopped into the room and came up beside me her smile fading once she caught the look on my face.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Can you answer a few questions for me?" I asked.

"Erm yeah of course." She said taking a seat beside me.

"When exactly are you leaving for the States?"

"July." She said playing with her hands.



"When will you be back?"

"I might come back for Christmas."


"Well I don't know Sebastian!" She said throwing her arms in the air.

"I'm just asking!" 

"Well I don't know okay! I don't know what I'm doing anymore!" She exclaimed. "You know what I'm going to go." She said grabbing her purse off the counter and walking towards the door.

"And do what? Not talk to me for another week then come crying back?" I snapped. She turned around  with rage in her eyes.

"You asshole."

"Yeah that's me your asshole of a boyfriend." I exclaimed angrily.

"Ex-boyfriend." She clarified and walked out the door slamming it behind her leaving me to stare at the wooden door.

"Fuck!" I yelled pulling on my hair with both hands. This time she wasn't going to be coming back. That was it. We were done for sure this time.

Awkward. (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now