fifty two

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-THE NEXT DAY, EVERYONE AT THE TABLE SHARED WORRIED LOOKS WHEN AN EMOTIONLESS-LOOKING ADHARA WALKED IN, GLANCED AT THE FOOD, AND IMMEDIATELY WALKED BACK OUT. Lily and Sirius both stood up simultaneously. "Sit this one down, Padfoot. Let Lily handle it." James advised, earning a nod from his best friend.

" James advised, earning a nod from his best friend

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"Addie?" Lily asked softly, looking at the girl.

Adhara, who had her knees up to her chest and her arms around it, didn't look away from the fireplace. "Hm?"

"Oh, darling.." Lily shook her head in sympathy, sitting next to her. "What's wrong?"

The girl stayed quiet, not wanting to answer. She had killed her mother's sister for merlin's sake! What would her mother say? Would she be disappointed? Of course she would. And that's what frightened Adhara the most.


"I'd like to be left alone." Adhara cut Lily off, still not looking away from the fireplace.

Lily sighed in pity and nodded, walking out of the living room.

   Later on that night, Sirius, Remus, and James were standing by the door, looking at Adhara, who hadn't moved from her place all day and had her back turned to them

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Later on that night, Sirius, Remus, and James were standing by the door, looking at Adhara, who hadn't moved from her place all day and had her back turned to them.

"Maybe it's better if we send her back to the Malfoys." Remus pointed out, "Addie doesn't trust us. She does trust them, though, so only they have the power to comfort her."

"Are you mad, Moony?!" Sirius whisper-shouted, looking appalled. "If Cissa finds out the danger my daughter went through, she'd never let us be near Addie ever again!"

"Sirius, look at your daughter!" Remus shot back, pointing to the said girl.

James patted Sirius on the back. "Look, Pads, I know it's not my place to talk, but not only did she save us, she also killed four people, one of them being her aunt. She needs her mother right now more than anything."

"But we might never get to see her again." Sirius sighed, his eyes tearing up at the thought.

"Sirius. Look at her." Remus pointed to the girl again.

Sirius followed his gaze, immediately looking away when he realized that she hadn't even moved a limb. "Fine. I'll floo call Cissa."

   "Addie?" questioned Hermione softly as she walked in a few minutes later

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"Addie?" questioned Hermione softly as she walked in a few minutes later.

Adhara didn't reply. Hermione wasn't even sure if she even heard her, but she sat down next to her, looking at her with sadness and sympathy.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked, sighing when she still didn't get an answer. "Thank you, by the way. You saved me. You saved us. If I could repay you, I would."

The door opened and in came a frowning Narcissa Malfoy, her eyes finding Hermione's, while Adhara hadn't noticed her yet.

"You must be Hermione." Narcissa shook her hand, giving her a small smile, which Hermione returned. "I've heard so much about you."

Adhara's head immediately snapped up at her mother's voice. Hermione noticed this and gave Narcissa a respectful nod, then walked out of the room, leaving the two be.

"Oh, Ara, darling." Narcissa crouched down in front of her daughter, who immediately hugged her.

She returned the hug, rubbing her back comfortingly while her daughter started sobbing. "I didn't mean to- I had to- She- I killed her, mum."

"Shh. I know, darling." Narcissa soothed. "You did the right thing, and I'm so proud of you."

"Really?" whispered Adhara through her sobs.

"Really, Ara. You really think I'd be mad at you for self-defense and saving people? Why do you think Lucius and I bought you your dagger collection?" asked Narcissa teasingly, earning a small laugh from her daughter.

Narcissa smiled at her daughter's laugh. "There's my daughter." She whispered, hugging her tighter.

" She whispered, hugging her tighter

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"-and then I killed her." Adhara finished explaining the story, her head on her mother's lap, who was softly running her hands through her hair.

"You did the right thing, darling." said Narcissa with a soft smile. "I'm proud."

"I'm a monster, mum." Adhara whispered, her eyes tearing up. "I killed your sister."

"She hasn't been my sister in years, Ara. My sister was gone the moment she joined the death eaters. You're way more important than her, anyways."

"I'm so sorry-"

"Darling, nobody blames you." Narcissa cut her off. "There's absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You should be proud of yourself. You found out where they were in a few minutes while the Ministry is still looking for them!"

Adhara chuckled and wiped her tears. "Thanks, mum."

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