Chapter 3: The Mystery Power

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Journal 3: 01/03/2013

What? I've only been in the compound for a day and I feel like I belong here. I know it sounds kind of, ugh, I'm not one to express these kind of emotions, but I don't know, I feel known here...for the first time. I also feel a connection to the people here. I mean, Steve is so kind to me, Tony is sarcastic but I am as well so we just vibe. Though my encounter with Natasha was not an ideal one, I think we'll be great friends :) Oh, I got all my tests done and we're just waiting on the results or whatever Dr Banner and Tony do to figure out my "powers"
I made my way down the hallway to make myself some breakfast. I checked the time on the microwave and it was 5:32a.m. I'm a morning person, so this was the typical time I'd wake up. I was going to make myself an egg with avocado toast and a berry smoothie. I grabbed all the ingredients from the fridge. As I grabbed the last egg from the fridge about to close it, there was a figure standing behind the door.


"Jesus! You have to stop doing that"


A pair of green eyes locked on my (y/e/c) eyes and for a quick second, I froze. I froze? wtf?! I never freeze?! It felt like an eternity but I quickly snapped out of it, hoping she didn't realize.

"Sneaking up on me like that" I say calm, obviously my heart beating from the scare.

I saw she was in training gear and was grabbing a banana, on her way to the training room.

"What are you doing up so early anyway?" She said peeling the banana about to take a bite.

"I'm always up this early." I say as I grab a knife to cut the avocado.

"Yeah, well I'm about to train, you coming?"

"Uh, no, I don't think I'm allowed to yet. I'm still waiting on my results." I look at her a little confused while also rinsing the berries.

"Alright" She smirked and threw her peel away while walking down the hall. "Save me some of that smoothie!"


After I finished eating my breakfast and made sure to leave a glass of smoothie for Natasha, I made my way down the hall to the lab, hoping they had the answers.

"Of course I checked more than twice!"

As soon as I turned the corner, I heard a strong yell from inside the lab.

I hesitated to go in, but Tony had already seen me turn around.

"You're not the quietest walker, you know"

I paused trying to come up with something to excuse myself.

"Hi...I just remembered I had to do my bed." I said with a weird expression, knowing I had made my bed first thing in the morning.

"You're not fooling me, y/n" He said walking out the lab to take me back inside.

I hated confrontation, but I also needed to know the answers to my questions keeping me up at night. Since finding out this little information on my father.

As soon as I walked in the lab, I saw Dr. Banner, but he had a worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong" I also say worriedly.

"What? Why would you think something's wrong?" Tony said.

"I'm not stupid, Tony."

He looked at my with an offended look. Still processing my response.

"I'm sorry, Mr Stark. I just read Dr. Banner's face and I thought maybe there was something wrong." I said realizing my response was quite rude.

"No, y/n. You're not wrong, Banner always has this expression on but don't worry, everything's fine." He said with a smirk.

I chuckled softly. "So what were my results?"

"You definitely have some sort of powers." Tony said as he tapped on his tablet so he could show me the stats.

"Do we know what kind?" I say scared but also excited on these powers I've had this whole time, not realizing.

"Not necessarily" Dr. Banner joined in.

"What do you mean?" I say confused.

"Well, your brain has all these different kind of nerves shifting with no precise rule or pattern. It's unlike anything I've seen. I'll have to go over them a couple of days or weeks to find out what they mean. But there's also this specific nerve traveling from head to toe like it's looking for something to connect with or helping your body transform."

"Transform into what?" My voice sounded worried.

He ignored my question as he walked to a screen where my brain x-ray showed.

"You see this left picture of your brain and all the glowing nerves it has?"

I nodded.

"Yeah. That's not normal. But you see this right picture of your brain? This is normal. It's the exact same brain. One second apart pictures. But total completely different brains." He said amused by what he was looking at.

I loved when people talked about their passions, just seeing their eyes light up.

"So we have no idea." I say more as a statement than a question.

"Don't worry, we'll figure this out." Tony put his hand on my shoulder as he walked out the lab.

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