Chapter 7: Gone

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Natasha's POV:
I looked at y/n and saw her close her eyes before I closed mine, hoping she could get us out before Hydra came any closer.

I heard a loud swoosh and slowly opened my eyes. I looked up and saw the compound.

"You did it, y/n !" I smiled as I turned to her hoping she was as excited as I was.

Then there was nothing.

"Y/n?" I said worriedly.

How was this possible?

I quickly went into the compound hoping someone was in there to help.

I saw Tony and Bruce in the lab working on their usual smart tech.

"Guys, I think y/n is in trouble." I said in an even tone. I didn't want them thinking I was worried.

"What do you mean in trouble?" Tony said as he was putting away his tools.

"I mean she's probably being kidnapped by Hydra right this second."

"Well, shit." Tony stopped as Bruce glanced at me and back to Tony.

"How did this happen?" Bruce asked.

"Long story."

Tony raised an eyebrow at me.

"We don't have time."

"Okay. Well, where exactly were you when this happened, in a secret hideout? Emphasize on secret because this sounds fishy." Tony walked across the room to connect her tracker in the GPS.

"No, Tony. We were practicing her teleportation powers but there were some technical problems and somehow she only transported me back and not herself." At this point I was more mad than worried.

"Technical problems?" Tony sounded confused.

"Yes, Tony. Now hurry before she gets hurt."


I tried to open my eyes but they would barely open from the swelling. I gasped when I felt the bruises all over my body.

I tried to move but my hands were tied down beside the bed frame and my legs were as well. There was some sort of helmet around my head and I felt like I was stuck on concrete.

I knew my powers were useless. What were they doing to me.

"Let me out!" I screamed from the dark room. No lights. Only a small window at the top that looked too high up to reach.

"Let me out!" I screamed, forcing myself.
"Let me out!" My voice started to get raspy.

"Let me out!" My throat was too dehydrated and I couldn't scream out anymore.

"Let me out." I whispered beneath my breath.

It was silent for a while before I heard footsteps  approaching the room.

I tried to stay calm and closed my eyes.

"Is she awake?" I heard a deep voice.

"No." Another deep but soft voice said.

"Shouldn't she be?"

"Sir, she took quite a hit. Her body needs recovery before you start." The second man said.

"Don't you think I know that?" The first guy said as he slammed something across the room.

It came out of nowhere and I twitched.

"Well, well. Looks like she was awake." He said in a mysterious voice.

"What are you doing." I said with a clenched mouth.

"Something that should've been done a long time ago." He said as he approached me.

"Don't touch me!" I spat in his face.

He grasped my lower face between his hand and lifted up my chin. "Oh, darling. Just wait until you meet him." He said as he studied my face features.

I didn't lose eyes contact. Letting him know I wasn't scared.

"Take her up."

"But sir-"

"I said take her up!" He yelled at the other guy as he turned and slammed the wall.

"Y-yes sir."

The first guy left the room taking a last glimpse at me and letting out a creepy smile.

The other guy stayed in the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked him with a worried voice.

"I'm sorry." He said with a sorrow voice and the sad look in his eyes. I could tell he didn't want to be here and especially do this but he had to.

"No! No, what are you doing to me!" I started freaking out and screaming.

"It has to be done."

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