Chapter 24: Answers

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I walked inside the compound looking for Tony and found him in his garage working with his tools like always. "Tony." I startled him from his chair.  

"Y/n? Where have you been?" he said as he looked around, "Where's Nat?" he furrowed his eyebrows at me. "She's with Steve. But I'm here for something else." I tried to ignore the topic and cleared my throat "Did you guys ever find out about my powers?" 

I saw Tony freeze for a second before walking to the other side of the room. He rustled through some paperwork in a file cabinet. I awkwardly stood there wondering what Tony was looking for, I couldn't help but see the changes Tony had done to his suit. 

"Here." He held a folder up as he walked back in my direction. "I and Bruce have been researching while you were away." he paused and looked at me. "And we got answers." he let out a grin and I smiled slightly at the news.

"I-" I pulled Tony into a tight hug before he could finish his sentence. "I really needed this right now. Thank you." I said quietly as he rubbed his hands on my back. There was a long moment before Tony pulled back and brought his hands to my face. He slowly placed a kiss on my forehead as I closed my eyes. "You okay?" he let go and looked at me. "I'm sorry, it's just, I don't know what's going on. With my powers, with Natasha, with my life," I paused and hesitated on my next sentence. "I-I almost killed her, Tony. And I'm sure, she hates me even more." 

Tony exhaled and let out laughter. I looked at him confused. "If anything, she likes you even more. You know, Bruce did that once, not long ago, and they had some spark here and there, but I guess you caught her attention much more." I widened my eyes, "Wait, so they had a thing?" 

"Didn't last long, but yeah, I'd guess she has a thing for people with anger issues." He joked. "Well, I wouldn't say I had anger issues, it was more being controlled by Hydra. I even forgot I used to have powers until Natasha brought it up and I got memories of it. But I don't want to talk about that. Tell me about what you guys found." I sounded excited but nervous. 

"Yeah, okay. You might want to sit down for this one. Here it goes. I know why your powers are gone. You've had these powers since you were born, but somehow I guess something or someone made sure you'd never find out. But when I reached out to help you regain your powers, Hydra kidnapped you, and you came back powerless. Therefore no powers, but, they don't know you have a second power." 

"But I thought I needed another trigger?" I cut him off. "That's the thing. You didn't, we said it's like a chain reaction. You found the trigger to your first power then the second power must've already been triggered and it's only waiting for your reaction." He gave me a smirk. Meanwhile, I was lost in space. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I trusted him. "Okay, so what do I do?" I asked him as he made his way back to the familiar pod. "No. No way I'm getting back in there." I said loudly.

"Relax. I'm just collecting some old samples." He said as I exhaled in relief. He got the samples and went to his lab as he mixed other chemicals. "Okay. Ready?" He had some tubes in his hands and came walking towards me. I slowly gulped and nodded. "Sit and leave out your left arm, please." 

I closed my eyes and felt a sharp sting on my left forearm. I slightly winced at the feeling. "All good. Now, we wait and see." Tony walked back to his work desk. "Hey, I need to go get some things downstairs, I'll be back, don't touch anything." 

I sat there lost in thought. I had no idea what I was doing or how I got to this moment. I wondered how Natasha was doing. I wanted to be next to her and take care of her, but it seemed she didn't want me there. I really hoped she would forgive me. A few moments had gone by and my arm started feeling numb. I looked at it and my veins started glowing. They were glowing white. "Tony!" I yelled for help because this was too freaky. The numbness traveled throughout my body. "Tony!" I yelled again as I was trying to stand up. 

Tony came running through the door. "Y/n?" He said as he tried catching his breath. "Tony!" I whispered back. "Y/n? Where are you?" He was standing right in front of me, but he didn't see me or hear me. "Tony?" I quietly muttered. I slowly walked around him. Studying his features but he had no clue where I was. I brought my hand on his shoulder and he quickly turned around flinching. "Y/n?" He asked curiously. I walked in front of him and softly slapped him on the cheek. He got the response and realized "OMG! You're invisible!" Tony chuckled. "Wait, how do you come back?" Tony asked. 

I had no clue but if this was similar to my teleportation powers maybe I had to do the same. I sat back down and closed my eyes. I started feeling my surroundings and thinking about my body, feeling everything. I opened my eyes and looked at my hands. "Woah" I quietly said and I saw that Tony was still shocked. "Well, I guess I got my answers," I smirked at him.

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