Chapter 22: Mission

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Captain and Falcon made their way inside the shield headquarters. Natasha was disguised inside Pierce's meeting.

Every shield agent was down on the ground after Natasha had fought them off. "Did I step on your moment?" Natasha pointed a gun in front of Pierce. He had his device in his hand and slowly pressed the call button while Natasha worked by the system.

C/n came running down the hall dressed in her new uniform with a buzzcut. She had black pants with pockets around her legs filled with weapons, her black combat boots, and her black leather jacket. She had dark circles and a few scars around her face. C/n charged into the wall attacking Natasha from the other side. As soon as they collapsed on the ground, everyone else in the room evacuated.

C/n stood up and looked for Natasha, but she was already back at the system trying to work as quickly as possible. C/n huffed and made her way over to Natasha. C/n tried to prevent Natasha from releasing Hydra's insight, but Natasha fought back. C/n grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her out as she threw her across the room. Natasha grunted and stood back up.

Sam had talked her into fighting for what was right. Even if she looked like y/n, it was no longer the y/n she knew. She remembered the people counting on her, so she got emotionless and prepared to fight c/n.

C/n gave a remorseless look and charged towards Natasha. She threw the first punches but Natasha blocked most of them. Natasha grunted as she threw some kicks towards c/n's chest. C/n grabbed her left leg, but Natasha made an air kick and pulled her weight on top of c/n's shoulders. C/n reached for her but Natasha had located a widow bite on her neck. Natasha jumped off her, while she grabbed c/n's arm and twisted it, dislocating her shoulder. She punched her a couple more times before c/n fell to the floor electrifying, trying to handle the pain. Natasha made her way back to the computer system to complete her mission.

"Are you sure you want the whole world to know your deepest secrets?" Pierce entered the room. "You know they will all know your past," he paused and looked down at c/n, "they'll know her past." He tried to convince Natasha. "so I ask again, are you sure you're ready for everyone to know about you?" For a split second, she stopped typing and looked back at c/n who was still trying to recover. "Are you?" She glared at Pierce and gave him a smirk.

As soon as Fury had shot Pierce, c/n jumped up, flicked her trench knife, and threw it across the room towards Fury. Natasha felt the instant and pushed Fury out of the way, receiving the trench knife on her upper arm. She grunted from the pain. "Go!" Natasha ordered Fury to leave the room. She took a deep breath in and squinted her eyes as she slowly removed the knife from her arm. C/n walked towards Natasha and punched her across her face. Natasha fell to the side and threw the trench knife across the room.

Natasha struggled to get back up. "You know me." She looked at c/n who was trying to relocate her shoulder. C/n became angry and formed a fist, "No I don't" she swung her fist across Natasha's face. She stood up once again. "Y/n, I know we don't go that far, but I know you feel something for us. Remember that time we met? Yeah, kind of like this, only less bloody and I was the one dominating." Natasha said in a breathy voice. C/n ignored the comment and threw another strong punch toward Natasha.

Natasha stood up with her hand on her injury. "Your name is y/n l/n" You could hear the pain in her voice. "Shut up!" C/n pushed her down. The swing was too strong for her shoulder to handle, so she also went down a bit. Both girls slowly stood up panting and looked at each other. "I'm not gonna fight you, y/n," Natasha said loud but gentle.

C/n shouted and launched herself against Natasha to the ground. "You're my mission." She held her down and started throwing consecutive punches at Natasha's face. Letting out grunts, while Natasha let herself receive the harsh punches from c/n. Punch after punch, c/n slowed down and took a pause. "Then finish it," Natasha said looking into her eyes. "just know that I love you," Natasha admitted with broken eyes and a weak voice. C/n held her fist in the air and realized who was lying in front of her. "Natasha," the fear in her eyes and voice was noticeable.

Natasha let out a sigh of relief as she closed her eyes and let go. "No, no, no." Y/n went to her knees and caressed over Natasha's face filled with bruises and blood. "I'm sorry." She picked her head up and brought her head down to Natasha's. "I'm sorry," she said as her tears rolled down her cheeks.

Fury came running into the room. "Get off her!" He saw y/n next to Natasha. "I'm sorry," y/n said in a brittle voice as she looked up at him. Fury put his gun down and approached both women. "Hey, c'mon, let's go before this building collapses." He told y/n as he carried Natasha from the ground. "I can't" y/n stared at Natasha's unconscious body hanging from Fury's arms. "Y/n, this is not the time to be stubborn, let's go!" He ordered y/n. They both ran to the helicopter and Fury placed Natasha down as he quickly took control of the flying.

Y/n held Natasha tightly in her arms.

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