Chapter 33: Captured

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Both looked at her confused. Pietro finally spoke up because Wanda was in her world. 

"Of mother? Wait, you knew our mother?" he put his hands on his side anxious for an answer. 

Y/n didn't know where to start, she wasn't sure if her mother was their mother as well. But she felt it was right to say. "Um, well it's complicated." 

"Where is she? Can we go see her?" Pietro cut her off and his eyes gleamed with hope. 

She felt bad, she did, because the pain she had been through for years was only about to start for them. "Listen, Pietro is it, I think you should sit next to your sister, it's important I tell you this and I don't think you'll take it easy." y/n needed Nat at this moment because she was better at giving her comfort in these types of situations. 

So she went on and told them everything. 

-- --- -- 

"y/n do you copy?" 

"Y/n?" Clint grew impatient at trying to contact her. 

"Fuck y/n where are you." 

"Does anyone have eyes on y/n," he turned the setting so that all the other avengers on the mission would be able to hear. 

"I thought she was with you," Steve replied. 

"She was supposed to be with me, but-, shit I'm an idiot," Clint figured out her whereabouts. 

"What?" Steve spoke. 

"No, I think I know where she is, go back to the mission. I'm going for y/n and then we'll go look for Nat," Clint said as he pulled up y/n's coordinates. 


-- --- -- 

"Look, I'm sorry you guys had to find out this way. Trust me, it wasn't any easier being there and seeing everything," y/n told them. 

"So, you killed her," Pietro raged against her. 

Wanda caught his wrist before he was able to touch y/n. "Pietro." 

"I didn't have a choice," she put her head down and softly played with the necklace around her neck. 

Wanda stepped aside and slowly walked to y/n. They had tears filled in their eyes. Wanda reached for y/n's hand and caressed it a few times before y/n held it back. "I'm sorry you went through that," she made the effort to go in and give her a hug. 

This was different for y/n. The only intimate hugs she received now were from Nat. She loved hugs from her, but this felt different than those Nat gave her. This one felt like a hug she had in a past life, a kind of memory. She wrapped her arms around Wanda tighter and they both let their tears fall out. Feeling the sense of their mother with each other. Wanda would never know how it felt since she had no memory of her mother. 

When they finally let go, they looked at each other and had a comfortable look, new energy. "So does that mean we're family?" Pietro suddenly chimed in. 


Just before someone could answer, a jet appeared above them. "What the"

"Shit," y/n realized she took too long to get back and she was most likely going to get punished by Nat later. 

"Okay, stand back, don't worry I'll handle it," y/n warned the two. 

"Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?" Clint didn't look well. 

"Sorry, I know I was supposed to get back a while ago, but I had to handle something with them," she looked back to Wanda and Pietro. 

As she was talking with Clint, she was also waiting for an angry Nat to pop out any second but the longer it took, she grew worried. "Where's Nat?" 

"Are you done with your little meeting here?" Clint ignored the question. 

"Clint, where's Nat?" 

He cleared his throat before responding. "Uh, she was captured by Ultron and we're not sure where she's at." 

Y/n closed her eyes in frustration. "You have to be kidding me." 

Every time they had a good thing going on, the universe always had a new obstacle prepared for them. 

"No, I'm not actually. Y/n, let's go," Clint rushed back into the jet to take control. 

"I'll be right there," she said as she went back to the two. 

"Hey, I have to go, but I'll get back in contact, here, give me your phone and I'll put in my number." 

"Um, we don't, we don't have a phone," they both looked at each other and then to y/n. 

"Oh my, okay, here, this is my tracker, just hold on to it and I'll know where you'll be." 

"That's kind of creepy," Pietro said humorously. 

"Fine, you know what, just, fuck, come with us. Hurry," y/n sounded rushed throughout the conversation because she didn't want to waste any time trying to find Nat. 

They both followed y/n into the jet. "Cool, are we avengers now," Pietro looked around. 

Wanda slapped his arm, "Pietro stop." 

Y/n chuckled. "No. Just hold on." 

Clint didn't seem too worried about it but was also careful. "Are you sure about this?" He waited until y/n joined her at the front. "Yeah," she assured him.

"Now let's go find her." 

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