Chapter 28: The Twins

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It had been a couple of days since Ultron interrupted the party. The place was still a mess, glass everywhere around the compound. We didn't mind, since we were going to leave in a while anyway. One more thing, I started getting flashbacks again, but these were different. It was my mothers death, but with two other kids present, or at least, that's what I believed I saw. I had never seen them until now, and I think it has something to do with the blue speed guy I saw the other day at the Hydra base.

--- --- ---

"C'mon Nat!" I said as I grabbed my trench knife. "I'm coming," Nat grunted as she came out the bathroom and grabbed her gun from the drawer. Before Nat could continue running out, she caught a glimpse of the trench knife I had in my hand, "W-where did you get that," she furrowed her eyebrows. "I found it-"

"Are you guys coming or?" Steve came running down the hallway. "Yes, we'll be right there," I said hurriedly. "Look, can we talk about this later? We have to-" Nat didn't let me finish and ran out without saying another word.

I was the last one to get in the Quinjet and I spotted Nat sitting at the end of the row. I went and sat next to her. "Hey," I said quietly. She didn't say anything in response, instead, she looked up at me and gave a weak grin. I grabbed her hand and held it tight, occasionally rubbing my thumb, for the remainder of the ride. Once we landed, we shared a quick kiss. "Be careful out there and kick ass," Nat chuckled. "I love you."

"I love you more," I responded as I moved some of her hair from her face.

--- --- ---

Invisibility engaged.

"Stark is...he's a sickness!"

"Ah, Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart." Stark responded to Ultron's comment.

Thor, Captain, and Stark stood in front of Ultron, and the two enhanced. While Clint, Natasha, and I hid behind walls, surrounding the area. I tried to get closer and get a better look at the two enhanced and listen to the conversation they were having, but I didn't want to risk it. Out of nowhere, Ultron blasted Stark against the back wall. Ultron and Iron Man were fighting in the air, while Ultron's robots fought Captain and Thor.

Then the two enhanced started fighting them as well. I've seen the guy's powers, but the girl's powers were new to me. She seemed powerful.

Everyone was fighting their own segment. Meanwhile I was trying to figure out this girl's motive. "It's time for some mind games," a robot told the girl. Mind games?

I followed the redhead and caught her red powers working at Thor. "The girl tried to warp my mind." Thor talked through the coms. "Oh, I think she did," I whispered very quietly.

I continued being quiet and followed her to Captain after the blue guy had caught him off guard. Again, she worked her red powers on Captain. What are you doing? I thought to stay back and help out Steve before continuing to follow her. "Hey Steve, you there? Steve?" There was no response from Steve, so I left him there and tried to look for the two. Where did you guys go.

I ran around the place trying to catch a glimpse of those red powers. "NO!" I saw the girl warp her red magic on Nat. I didn't care if they heard or saw me anymore. I ran to Nat without care.

--- --- ---

"Pietro, did you hear that?" Wanda asked. "Hear what?" He looked around. "There's someone here," she said cautiously. "I don't know what you're talking about," Pietro seemed clueless.

"Ow," Pietro shouted. "What?" Wanda immediately responded. "Why did you hit me?" he rubbed his shoulder. "I didn't, stop being a baby, let's go," Wanda said as she continued out their plan.

--- --- ---

"Nat!" I tried calling out for her, but she seemed lost in thought as she kept muttering and slightly walking. "Hey Nat, come back, baby," I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as I carefully followed her every move. I wanted to go after those two but I couldn't leave her alone, not now.

I could hear faint noises through the coms and I knew the rest of the team must be going through this as well. "Anyone there? I just electrocuted the girl. I don't deal with mind control anymore." Clint spoke. "Yeah, I think we're the only ones. Did you see where they went off to?" I asked Clint. "No they just ran off."

"Where's Banner?" I luckily remembered about him. "Yeah we got a problem with that," Stark chimed in. "Natasha, I could really use a lullaby right now," Stark asked. "yeah, that's not gonna happen anytime soon." I groaned as I helped Nat down the stairs.

--- --- ---

We were back in the Quinjet and Nat rested her head on my shoulder as we intertwined fingers. She hadn't spoken a word but I knew she needed me because she held me tighter than before. Maria appeared on a call and talked with Stark. I would take a couple of glances at her but tried not to chime in the conversation. Instead, I sat next to Nat until we landed near the "safe house," as Clint mentioned.

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