Chapter 18: Bomb

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They walked inside and looked around the base. Y/n was a lost dog, she didn't know what was going on, she started thinking maybe this was a bad idea.

"Guys, maybe I should just call Tony to pick me up." Y/n said quietly as she followed behind Natasha and Steve.

"Why? You're scared?" Natasha turned around and raised her eyebrow.

"What? Of course not. I just think I'm in the way of your mission. I don't want to ruin anything." She tried to hide the fact that she was a bit scared.

"If you're already working in a secret office," Steve pulled the cabinets apart. "Why do you need to hide the elevator." An elevator appeared in front of them.

Natasha hijacked the passcode and they all got in the elevator. The elevator stopped and they stepped out. It was dark at first, but as they kept walking further, lights automatically turned on. Y/n kind of stood to the back as Natasha and Steve stood in front of the computer systems.

The computer started talking as the camera aimed at them.

"Rogers, Steven. Born 1918." The camera said as it looked to Steve.

The camera turned to Natasha. "Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Born 1984."

Y/n was surprised at hearing Natasha's full name. Natasha glanced at her as the camera turned to y/n as well.

"L/n, Y/n. Born 1984." She was surprised the thing even knew about her. Just as surprised as Steve and Natasha were.

"What, how does it know me?" Y/n panicked as she looked to Natasha. "It must be some kind of recording." Natasha looked back to the computer.

"I am not a recording." The computer suddenly exclaimed.

The computer started talking about his life and mentioned Hydra. Y/n recognized the name when she heard it and saw everything that happened on the screen. She started getting small flashbacks but she tried to ignore them. Suddenly Steve smashed the computer screen with his shield and y/n came back, not tempted to remember that trauma. The voice came back to another computer screen.

Steve suddenly threw his shield across the room to stop the door from closing but was too late.

"30 seconds top." Natasha checked her device. "Who fired it?" Steve asked. "Shield." Natasha looked up at him.

"That's not good." Y/n blurted out.

"Out of time." The computer said as Steve opened an underground cage and signaled us to get in.

I let Natasha get in first as I followed behind her and Steve jumped in protecting us with his shield. The ballistic hit and everything came falling down. Everything went to darkness.

After a few moments, there was debris settling. Steve was the first to wake from the hit. He grunted as he lifted up a piece of cement. Y/n woke shortly after. "Steve." She grunted as she tried to lift up a piece cement blocking her way out. "Y/n" Steve called out so he could find his way to her voice.

"Over here."

Steve made his way to her and removed the piece of cement. "Where's Natasha" she said catching her breath.

"She was next to me, but she hasn't woken up." Steve helped y/n up. "You okay?" He asked her and she nodded.

They made their way to Natasha, and Steve carried her in his arms. As they got out the trapped place, they saw flashlights coming their way. "Shit." Y/n said as she saw them first and warned Steve.

"C'mon this way." They hurried out before shield got any closer.

"Where to now." Y/n asked Steve who was still walking with Natasha in his arms. "I think I might know a place."

"I shouldn't have came." Y/n mumbled under her breath. Just as Steve wanted to respond, Natasha opened her eyes and let out groans. Steve stopped walking and carefully let her down. "Hey, you okay?" Steve asked quietly.

"Yeah, where are we?" Natasha looked around.

"I don't know, I'm just following him. If anything, he might lead us into a trap." Y/n approached Natasha and they all chuckled at the comment.

"We're almost there, let's go." Steve led the way.

Steve knocked and the door opened shortly after. A man opened the door and looked confused. "Everyone we know is trying to kill us." Natasha told the man. "Not everyone." The man welcomed us in.

It sounded like they both already knew him but y/n didn't. The man led them to a room where they could change and clean up. Steve and Natasha went in first, but y/n stayed back. "Hey, I don't think we've met." Y/n handed him her hand. "Sam Wilson" he smiled and shook her hand. "Y/n L/n." She smiled back. "Nice to meet you."

"How'd you meet them." Y/n asked Sam as she sat down on the chair by the kitchen table. "Morning runs and he would come by to visit on some of my meetings. He's a great guy." Sam started grabbing ingredients from his fridge. "Yeah, he is" she looked down. "When he wants to be." She added and chuckled.

"How did you guys meet?" Sam asked y/n. "Um, I'm not really sure." Y/n tried not to remember. "I think he was my first boyfriend. Not sure tho." Y/n couldn't resist and let out a laughter. "Let me guess, he wasn't your type?" Sam went along with the joke. "Oh yeah, he was definitely not my type." She got up and made her way into the bathroom. Steve and Natasha were at the edge of the bed talking. Shortly after, Sam called them out for breakfast.

Y/n was finally out the bathroom and got out the room. She saw that they were all in the kitchen and she slowly walked her way there. Again, she quietly stood in the back as they talked about the mission. "I never said pilot." Sam defended his response to Steve.

Before they made their way out, Natasha pulled y/n in the room. "You okay?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, I just need to know if you feel like you remember your training at the compound and all the fighting skills you learned." She got closer to her and looked her in the eyes. "Uh, I don't know, but I can try." Y/n said nervously. "No, I need you to remember now. I don't want anything happening to you." Natasha realized she said the last part out loud. "You know, Tony might kill me if he found out anything happened to you." She tried to justify herself.

"Yeah," y/n looked down. "You know if I was ever good, then I wouldn't have a problem having quick reflexes." Y/n smirked and started walking out the room. Natasha smiled nervously.

Sam drove them in a gray car and they made it to a corner next to a building.

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