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Mila POV

She gives me a pitiful look. "I'm aware you're superstitious but a demon?" She says a bit too loud which led to some weird glances being thrown at us. "Really?" She whispers.

"I'm telling the truth." I groan.

"Uh huh." She raises a brow.

"Maria why don't you believe me?" I sigh frustrated fiddling with my pencil.

"I'm sorry but this isn't the first time you've convinced yourself about something as wild as this." I keep quiet letting her continue.

"At the start of the school year, you convinced yourself the old lady across the street from you was a soucouyant." She begins counting down on her fingers. "Then you thought the transfer student we got last month was a vampire because he always comes in with a dark hoodie."

I fold my arms glaring at her but she continues on.

"And just last week you told me you suspect that a poltergeist is haunting your house." She sighs.

"You always do this."

My face falls. "But I'm telling the truth..."

She notices my face. "Alright alright if you're so convinced about it then I'll let my mom give you some sage to cleanse your house."

The bell rings signaling it was time for class. "I didn't even get to finish my homework." I complain.

"I think we have a sub today for English."

We gather our stuff and headed to class.


My eyes scan around the room lazily, the sub was too busy reading a book at the teachers desk while everyone else was talking loudly or on their phones.

Maria snuck out the class a few minutes ago with a guy. I decided to stay to catch up on a little sleep.

I rest my head down on my desk feeling fatigued.

So tired...

I'm about to close my eyes when a voice interrupts.

Go to the bathroom.

My eyes snaps open and I look around the classroom frantically.

It's him but where is he?

I stay in my seat figuring it'd be best to just ignore it. If I just ignore him he'll leave.

Did you hear me?

Ignoring him~

A few minutes go by and the voice disappears. I smile to myself realizing my plan worked. I sigh putting my head back down.

I flinch when I feel a faint but clear sensation of hands snaking around my body and breathing right near my ear.

Why are you ignoring me?

I'm scared, I can't move.

Answer me.

I-I'm sorry.

I feel his lips kissing under my neck and his hands drifting into my pants. My eyes widen squeezing my legs closely together.

S-stop it. I'm in class.

I thought you wanted this? You ignored me because you rather I touch you in class right?

I could hear the smirk in his voice. I shudder when his finger slips into my panties rubbing my clit.

The idea of being caught in class turns you on doesn't it?

I shake my head letting out a small whine.

No it...doesn't. Please stop I'm serious.

You say that but you're all wet.

I feel his tongue against my neck and I cover my mouth when his finger slips in, a moan escaping my lips.

Uncover your mouth.

Someone will...h-hear me.

I don't care.

I shiver slowly uncovering my mouth. My body betrays me moving it's hips on its own as he fingered me.

The sensation of his finger pumping into me while his tongue licked and sucked on my neck were all so clear but I couldn't see him.

My legs jolt when he hits my spot.

You gonna ignore me next time?

He coos in my ear. My legs were trembling and I was struggling to keep quiet. I felt like crying, he was teasing me despite my clear opposition doing this.

No...I'm sorry. Please...stop..stop it.

Good girl, come on I'm hungry.

His touch disappears and I take a moment to calm myself down. I slowly get up raising my hand.

"Um Ms, may I uh go to the bathroom?" I ask breathing heavy.

She looks up from her book. "Sure go ahead. Take your bag with you since class is almost over."

I slowly nod picking up my things and leaving class.

Why couldn't she be a bitch and said no?


I exit the girls bathroom with shaky legs. I could barely stand up. I keep my head down as I walk.

I've become a degenerate...getting head in school.

His tongue is so long...

I blush at my thoughts shaking them out. I bump into someone and the force makes me fall to my feet.

"Are you okay?" Someone asks and look up at the person.

It was the transfer student we got last month. I have three classes with him and I've never heard him talk or seen his face, this was the first time.

He's...really cute.

I think his name was Angelo—

"Your legs are shaking." He points out.

"Uh um." I quickly get up apologizing. "I'm sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't paying attention."

"It's fine." He glances at my legs again. "Uh why are you shaking so much?"

"No reason." I smile awkwardly.

"Right well...see you in class." He goes to walk away but I grab his sleeve stopping him. "Yes?"

"Class is that way." I point behind me.

"Yea I know but I'm going to the vending machine to get a snack." He replies looking at me weirdly.

"Oh." Dumbfounded I slowly let his sleeve go. "Right well I'll see you in class."

I awkwardly turn away heading to my next class while I mentally scolded myself.

Nice one Mila.

I thought to myself embarrassedly walking to my next class as I struggled to keep my eyes open and my legs from shaking.

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