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• mentions of SA

Omniscient POV

"Where is he?" Felix asked one of the guards that lined the long hallway.

"He's currently in the throne room speaking with your father, sir." The guard responds dutifully.

With a gentle wave of his fingers the large doors of the throne room swing open to reveal his father, Asmodeus, his half brother Chase and...Keith.

"Hello son, did you come to see your brother and I?" His father smiles knowingly.

His question is ignored though as Felix eyes trained on Keith, slowly fading into that deep obsidian black.

Before Keith could react he was thrown into the marble wall of the room by the black phantsma that now surrounded Felix's body. The pressure from the impact makes something crack, whether it was Keith's spine or the wall nobody knew for sure.

"So no hi or hello?" Chase comments.

Felix ignores his brother walking over to Keith in an instant. Keith's neck is grabbed by the phantsma pinning him to the floor.

Keith desperately struggled to get free which Felix found amusing. He watched with a satisfied glare as Keith is strangled by his inner demon self, the phantasma.

Keith forced a laugh. "Is this about your little nymphet? She's great in bed I'd see why you're so attached."

Felix smiles appearing calm but the phantsma that towered over the two men menacingly showed he was anything but calm.

"You think this is funny?"

Keith is punched in the nose before he could give a reply. There was no time to recuperate as Felix punches were nonstop, each hitting harder than the one before.

Keith couldn't fight back against the cambion if he wanted to.

The barrage of punches echoes throughout the throne room as Felix continued to release his rage onto the now bloodied and half conscious Keith.

"Does it hurt? Does it fucking hurt? It isn't funny now is it?" Felix yells at him, his eyes blackened by anger.

Keith couldn't respond even if he tried, wheezing and choking on his own blood.

Soon enough the room fell quiet only heavy breathing of Felix. Keith now completely unconscious.

His father, Asmodeus watches his son with surprised wide eyes, he didn't expect this level of anger from his son but he enjoyed it nonetheless.

Chase on the other hand,

"What the fuck Felix?"

His brother sighs watching Keith's stiff body. Felix ignores him however rising to his feet turning his attention towards his father, the black phantsma slowly retracting into his body again.

"You. You orchestrated all of this shit!" He shouts the blackness of his eyes, however, not fading.

His father feigns ignorance.

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