𝔪𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔩𝔶 𝔭𝔱. 𝔬𝔫𝔢¹⁶

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• rape.

Mila POV

It worked, it actually fucking worked.

I haven't seen or heard from Felix in a month, an entire month, my necklace hasn't even changed black once.

Initially I waited a few days because it's normal for him to disappear for a couple days but it's been a whole month.

I smile to myself and Angelo notices my oddly happy demeanor.

"You're in a good mood today." He points out.

I turn my head to him my smile widening. "Because you make me happy, I love you so much." I squeeze his hand softly in mines.

"I love you too." He lets me go. "I gotta head to class now, I'll see your fine ass at lunch okay?"

"Mhmm see you." I watch as he walks off to his next class before disappearing around the corner.

"Well I should head to class myself." I mutter turning around smiling as I walk to class.


I watch in admiration as Angelo smokes his blunt doing a couple smoke tricks. He suddenly mushes my face.

"Stop staring."

I pull his hand away glaring playfully. "Why can't I stare at you daddy?" I smirk.

"Please shut up before I fuck you up." He warns taking another hit.

I smile leaning over the passenger seat teasing him. "I don't really think you're gonna do shit." I smirk.

He stares at me for a moment. "Oh really?"


"Angelo." I moan into his neck rocking my hips against him.

"Mhmm." He grabs my ass guiding it back onto his dick.

"You're so deep." I moan in his ear. "Daddy."

"Your moans are so fucking sexy." He grabs my neck gently pulling me closer kissing me.

I wrap my arms around his neck loving how deep he was going. How gentle he was, he'd treat me with the utmost care as if I'd break in his arms any moment.

Even for car sex which is normally hot and rough, he was being so gentle and loving, something I wasn't really used to.

I groan against his lips rocking my hips a little faster. His tongue licks my bottom lip and I slowly open my mouth letting his tongue in.

He groans as I sucked on his tongue, my head becoming a little clouded from us hotboxing in his car a few moments ago.

He grabs my hips slamming my hips down against his lap. My hips buck in surprise at the slightly aggressive action.

I pull away hiding my face in his neck moaning. "Ngnn Angelo~"

"Your moans are so sexy baby, moan more for me." He starts thrusting into me harshly and my eyes widen.

"Fuck fuck Angelo." I whimper into his neck grabbing his shoulder as my hips shook in pleasure.

"Mhm you like that?"

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