𝔣𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪¹

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Mila POV

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Mila POV

It's October 31st and I'm home by myself in this haunted house. My adoptive parents say it's not haunted but I'm convinced it is.

Shit goes missing unexplainably, certain parts of the house are colder than others and doors close on their own without a draft being present.

Curse me for being adopted by a white family, now I gotta live in a house that was probably the home of a serial killer or murder victim in the past. Just my luck.

I look at my watch reading the time, 11:15pm.

"Why are they not back yet?" I grumble.

In that moment my phone vibrates startling me.


I hold my chest calming down before picking up the phone.

I read my latest message.

Mom: We won't be home tonight so make sure to lock up before you go to bed. I love you :), Oh and please don't leave on all the lights like last time.

I roll my eyes responding back with an ok. I decide to check the front door again to make sure it's locked before double-checking the windows.

I sigh turning off the living room light from the hallway where I stood. I go to turn away but something in the corner of my eyes stops me.

There was a shadow next to the couch in the shape of a person.

I hurriedly turn back on the light scanning the room quickly but nothing. Shakily I switch off the light once again and run upstairs to my room locking my door quickly.

I back away from my door staring at the crack underneath.

My heart drops to my stomach when the hallway light switches off.

"No...the light probably blew...yea." I try to convince myself, getting on my bed.

I chuckle brushing it off as nothing but quickly stop when I hear soft footsteps grow closer to my door.


Not taking my eyes off the door, I dig inside my pillow pulling out the knife I hid for emergencies.

"I'm gonna die." My heart was hammering against my chest.

My lights switch off and I scream scrambling to my feet making my phone fall to the floor with a loud thud. It was pitch black, I couldn't see a thing.

I didn't wanna move much less breathe but I needed the comfort of the light to calm me down.

Calm down...just..find the...light.

Trembling I slowly feel my way around the dark room stumbling to find my way to the light switch.

I could feel eyes on me but I couldn't see where. I almost blew a sigh of relief when my fingers graze the light switch.

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