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• self harm.
• mentions of suicide.

Mila POV

I knock on the door waiting for an answer and a second later the door opens. My face falls when the girl answers.

"Oh hi, Mila right?" She questions with a smile.

"Mhm, where's Angelo?"

As that leaves my mouth Angelo comes to the door to see who it is.

"Imani who is it...? Oh."

He steps outside and thankfully she leaves us alone to talk.

"Sigh Mila, what are you doing here?" He shuts the door behind him.

"I came to talk to you but you seem to be occupied with...her," I state referring to the girl who just seems to be tailing Angelo everywhere he went today.

"Who is she? You've moved on already?" I berate him becoming annoyed.

"Mila that's none of your business." He deadpans.

"Answer the question, Angelo." I snap unintentionally.

"Don't snap at me." He replies looking with disbelief.

I hold my ground glaring.

He sighs. "Mila, why are you here?"

"I miss you...do you not miss me? At all?" I ask hopefully.

He ignores my question. "You should leave."


I grip my arm digging my nails into it struggling to push down my emotions that were threatening to spill over.

"I said I'm sorry, what else can I do? to have your forgiveness. I miss you." I cried.

"Mila, go home." He sighed seeming tired of this conversation, of me.

I grew quiet. "What? Are you embarrassed of me now..?"

"You're so hung up over that bitch inside that you've already forgotten about your feelings for me? Is that it?" I prick my arm at the crack of my voice.

My breathing becomes erratic as my anger and sadness boiled over. "No matter what.' You're such a liar." I wipe my tears away frantically.

His door opens to reveal a concerned Imani. "Uh, Angelo is everything alright? Should I call the police?"

Her eyes fall on me and I glare in return.

"Everything's fine, there's no need for that. You can go back inside, I'll be up in a minute." He reassured.

She exchanged a worried glance my way. "Uh are you sure—"

"He said he's fucking sure, leave." I snap making her flinch.

"Mila." Angelo warns.

I struggled to swallow my anger, the sight of her caused an overwhelming violent urge to swell inside my chest.

I wanted to hurt her, more than I've wanted to hurt anyone.

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