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TRIGGER WARNING• sexual assault + violence

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• sexual assault + violence.

Mila POV

Felix hasn't come back in awhile and it's been two hours. I'm kinda horny too which is weird since I'm still sore from...yea.

I messaged Angelo asking to come over but he said he wasn't home right now so I'm just sitting in my room watching Rick and Morty.

It's my favorite show, I love summer. I'm on the episode where jerry forces everyone on a camping trip.

I chuckle to myself when my favorite scene comes on.

"Jesus..." I wince, no matter how many times I watch the scene I couldn't stop feeling bad for Jerry.

After a few more episodes I slowly got bored of it. Grabbing my phone and my air pods of my nightstand I open my browser looking for some good porn.

After a couple minutes scrolling through xvideos I found a few that caught my eye. Dimming my lights I get comfortable under my covers getting ready to watch.

I press play on one of the videos skipping past the head scene and going straight to the sex. Biting my lip I push my hand in my shorts touching myself.

Why am I so horny?

I bite my lip watching the girl in the video being fucked and my thoughts drift to Felix. I groan teasing my entrance in time to the guys strokes.

My finger slips in shuddering and I throw my head back moaning lightly.


Walking out the shower I glance over at the clock on my nightstand reading the time, "5pm."

Why isn't he back yet?

"I'm fucking dying here." I mutter.

Walking over to my closet passing my mirror but stop when I notice something. The necklace was turning black.

My eyes light up. "Felix?" I decided not to bother getting dressed since he was here.

However a few seconds go by and there wasn't a response and he didn't appear anywhere in the room.

I slowly grow unease. "Um..." I scream when my foot is yanked pulling me to the floor.

"Be quiet." A voice snaps.

That isn't Felix's voice. I feel hands grab my thigh as well as my chest. They felt rough and large like a grown man's hand.

Not being able to see the person I blindly kick my legs infront of me hoping to hit whoever it was. I cough hard when something impacts my stomach hard.

"Shut up and don't move." The voice orders.

I begin to tremble feeling like crying as I feel ghostly hands travel up my thigh between my legs. My legs are spread open and I froze too scared to move.

"Please don't, please." I beg beginning to cry.

"I said shut up didn't I?" There's then pressure applied on my neck.

I flinch when I felt something rubbing me, something that felt very close to being his genitals.

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "N-no stop please."

This isn't happening.

There's a whack and the feeling of being touched leaves me as well the pressure on my throat.

Felix appears for a moment before disappearing out of my sight. I hear several punches connecting to something as well as Felix's voice.

It was dark and demonic.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you."

There's another several barrage of punches heard and I flinch each time. I couldn't see what was happening, I could only hear.

Blood splatters onto my carpet and my eyes widen shrinking away from it. I hear a groan of pain and I assume it was the person who attacked me.

The groans get louder and I notice a sound as if someone was being dragged across the room.

It stops and it's quiet for a few seconds.

I shriek when my mirror shatters and pieces of glass fall to the floor. My eyes quickly take in a spot on my mirror that was covered in blood.

I tremble as I watch a glass be picked up before slowly fading out in thin ear.

What is he doing..?

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Huh?" Felix shouts and it's followed by a scream of agony from the other guy.

I cover my ears crying harder struggling to block out the sounds.

"I've said not to touch my fucking things."

I whimper when the screams continue and I watch as slowly more blood splatters onto my carpet.

"I was very clear no one is allowed to touch her."

"I'm...sor..sorry, wait...please I didn't...know." A voice croaks But is quickly cut off after the sound of flesh being stabbed.

"Shut up."

I stare at my carpet as blood begins to pool and stain the light brown color into a deep red. I couldn't find my voice.

What would I even say?

It goes completely quiet afterwards.

Felix finally allows me to see him and I notice how his face was dirtied with blood and his eyes were back to that eerie soulless black.

"I'll be back."

He leaves me to myself while I'm still struggling to calm down. I get up rushing to the bathroom grabbing cleaning supplies to clean off the blood.


I scrubbed and I scrubbed but the blood won't leave, it's still everywhere... I can't, I can't erase it. I'm not even sure how long I've been scrubbing.

"Honey we're back." My bedroom door opens as my mom walks in.

I don't even look at her too focused on my bloodstained carpet, scrubbing it harshly.

"Hey what are you doing?" She comes up to me peering down and she noticed my tears. "Why are you crying? Whats wrong?"

She goes to sit down on the bloody spot and I quickly pull her away yelling,

"Don't sit there." I plead.

She looks back at the spot. "But there's nothing there." Her face falls looking alarmed and concerned.

"Honey is something going on?" She questions kneeling in front of me.

I shake my head denying her concern. "N-no everything's fine..." I lie my voice shaking anxiously.

She sighs not pushing it further as she pulls me into a motherly hug.

"Alright I won't push it further but I'm here for anything ok? I love you." She comforts me rubbing my back as I sobbed continuing to cry as I tried to forget today's earlier moments.

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