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Felix's Ending

Omniscient POV

Mila walks into the lounge room her heels clacking softly against the tile floor as she enters, her long red dress that hugged her now matured body tightly trailed behind her.

There she met Felix with several women surrounding him like groupies like usual.

It's been seven years and he's now the new king of the nine circles since Chase had turned it down. His new status of royalty has earned him a large number of groupies.

Upon seeing her the women immediately back off which brings Felix attention to fall on his wife.

He smirks at her, his eyes watching her body ravenously without a care.

"Hi princess." He greets leaving the group of women behind to approach her.

Mila only ignores him her eyes staring intimidatingly at the women behind him.

She knew Felix's royalty came with the attention but that didn't stop her from being annoyed at his carefree attitude when receiving their affection, it frustrated her.

Furthermore it's normal for kings of hell to have concubines and since Felix has yet to pick a concubine for himself a lot of the women here have been surrounding him in hopes they'll be chosen.

However she couldn't fuss over it right now as her attention was elsewhere.

"Have you seen Adonis? I can't find him and I'm becoming worried he ran off again" She sighs.

"No I haven't." Felix responds not the least bit concerned about the whereabouts of his son, knowing wherever he is he was most likely safe.

"Well help me look for him." Grabbing his hand she drags him out the room in search of her seven year old son.

Although she said wanted his help her real motive was to get him away from the lady demons that were surrounding him.

They searched around the large castle for their son as Felix continued to reassure that he was fine.

After a few moments of searching they stumble upon the library where a little boy with dark raven hair sat with his doting grandfather beside him.

"Adonis." Mila calls.

Her son turns to her suddenly smiling relieved to escape his obsessive grandfathers clutches but that smile quickly falls when he notices his father behind her.

"Why is he here?" He raises a brow staring daggers at his father.

Waving his hand he pulls his mother away from his father protectively which makes her sigh.

"I asked him to help me look for you. I was worried." She rubs his head completely ignoring the presence of Asmodeus.

Even after becoming a demon in death she still can't help but be afraid of her father in law.

"I don't like him near you. He's a walking parasite and the only affection he's capable of showing you is sex."

A guard nearby coughs awkwardly at the child's comment.

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