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I'm feeling nice so double update :) no cliffhanger anymore.

Mila POV

"Your...dick..feels good...I wanna cum...daddy make me cum."

I heard my voice whine and my heart drops. Words couldn't describe how I felt in that moment.

Embarrassment? Anxiety? Shame? Fear?

"That's you isn't it?" He questions calmly.

"Where'd you even get...that...?" Was all I could bring myself to ask.

"You sent it to me." He deadpans.

I shake my head. "I never sent you that."

He brushes me off becoming irritated. "Is it you?"

I get quiet beginning to cry and he grips his phone tightly in his palm.

"You're kidding." He laughs humorlessly wiping his face. "I can't believe I'm going through this shit again."

"Angelo I'm—"

"You said you love me, was that a lie? Just so we could have sex?" He yells and I flinch not used to his anger.

"No it's not, I really do love you—" I approach him desperately but he holds his hand up stopping me.

"Don't touch me."

My heart breaks and more tears fall. "Angelo please just listen..." I plead.

"Listen to what Mila? You cheated on me." He glares down at me with a painful expression.

"Am I not enough? All I've been is good to you and you cheat on me."

"I'm sorry." I sob. "I'm sorry Angelo."

He's quiet for a moment before he nods slowly.

"You're sorry... I thought it was weird you were apologizing so much lately." He paused as if he finally understood.

"So then that time where you were apologizing and crying begging for me not to leave you, you were cheating weren't you?"

"Yes." I cry. "But you don't understand I don't want to."

"Really? You seem to have been enjoying yourself from the voice note."

He rolls his eyes stuffing his phone back in his pocket. "So what am I not getting?"

"Everything." I wipe my face.

"Okay then make me understand."

I fall silent, crying out of frustration and hurt. I couldn't tell him but I wanted to.

He stares at me expectantly waiting for an answer.

"I can't...I can't tell you." I choked.

He presses his tongue against his cheek before leaning down closer to me. "We're done."

He goes to walk out but stops turning to me. "How long?"

I stay quiet refusing to answer. He goes to yell but stops himself as if he remembered my parents were right downstairs.

"How fucking long Mila?" He gritted.

I flinched finally admitting to him. "The...entire t-time..."

His expression quickly dulls and he nods humming to myself.

"Fuck you."

He slams my door as he left.


"I'm sorry babe..." Maria hugs me as I cry into Angelos hoodie I kept.

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